Is this normal?
Hey ladies and gents...I just had surgery wedneday and even tho I feel slightly "ok" as far as sickness goes...I am exhausted all the time. Is this normal? I'm falling asleep sitting up jus****ching tv. I've never done that before. Sorry to sound so silly, but I've only had one other surgery and it sure didn't feel like this.
Thanks so much
Thanks so much
It is perfectly normal. You have to remember that you are taking pain medication and your body is still getting ride of the anesthesia.
I think I was in a functional coma the first several days.
Let your body rest and watch some mindless TV. You'll get your energy back but your body just went through a lot. Happy napping!

Wendiwoo is right. You're body has gone through a lot and it needs time to rest so it can heal. Take it easy and you'll be all set! Hope your recovery goes well and your back to your normal self soon!
Just be careful with the pain meds. No matter what the docs put me on, if its something that will cause me to sleep, its a problem for me when I run out. I remember the first night I went without it felt like my skin was crawling and I was SO tired but couldn't sleep for the life of me!
Just be careful with the pain meds. No matter what the docs put me on, if its something that will cause me to sleep, its a problem for me when I run out. I remember the first night I went without it felt like my skin was crawling and I was SO tired but couldn't sleep for the life of me!