
Question for everyone

on 8/4/09 1:10 am

I am just wondering if the band is something that really works for someone that doesn't eat alot in a meal and forgets to eat alot because of work. I tried to ask my doctor but I don't feel like I got a answer. Personally I don't have a huge appeitite, I do like things that are bad for me of course but I have never ate a whole cake or a gallon of ice cream or anything (I know that everyone seems to think thats how we get over weight.) I know that I have this weight from bad choices over the years of eating late,eating the wrong things, and lack of exercise and I also know I will have to buckle down and make time for meals and all I just wanted to get everyones input on this. Thanks!

SW/326 CW/224 GW/175
~ 4cc added in 11cc realize- C band~ 02/08/10~
~1 cc added 03/08/10
~1 cc added 05/03/10
~ 1cc added 07/26/10
~ .05 cc added 09/09/10
~ .05 cc added 01/06/11
~ .25 cc added 06/06/11


on 8/4/09 2:32 am - Chatham, NJ
Hi there,

I think that having the band will definitely help, but not how you think it will.  I had similar concerns prior to getting banded, although I definitely also ate far too much in a single sitting. 

Having the band and learning how to live with it has "forced" me to get knowledgeable about nutrition, plan out my meals (so that I am not eating late and I am now cooking healthy rather than eating out or ordering in), and exercise regularly.  I use the word "force" because without these things, I would not have lost a lot of weight.  The band itself doesn't help you with these areas per se - it is completely up to you.  But, I took the opportunity of having the surgery to completely change my lifestyle and it was really tough in the beginning. 

You can do it, too, but please don't wait for the band to do it for you.  It just doesn't work that way.  The band provides restriction - that's it, nothing else - which makes it easier to stick to a healthy diet, while you take care of the rest.  Again, you can definitely do it!!  Good luck.

on 8/4/09 2:44 am
Thanks so much for your reply. I know for sure that it just provides restriction and I do think that it will force me to change my old habits. Thats a good thing. I guess since I am self pay I am not only worrying about doing it...and if its the right thing for me but  I am worrying about the money it will cost to make such a mistake. I don't discount the folks who have the insurance or anything but when it comes out of your own pocket it's just a little more bitter if you fail or things don't go the way they should.
When talking with the doctor I felt still so unsure, he says he will do what you ask as far as the procedure type. I guess I guess want to make sure since I am self pay I am not doing the wrong type. I think that he cares of course but to pay out such a large sum of money it makes you wonder if some doctors say anything for the money.

SW/326 CW/224 GW/175
~ 4cc added in 11cc realize- C band~ 02/08/10~
~1 cc added 03/08/10
~1 cc added 05/03/10
~ 1cc added 07/26/10
~ .05 cc added 09/09/10
~ .05 cc added 01/06/11
~ .25 cc added 06/06/11


on 8/4/09 3:09 am - Chatham, NJ
That's a tough one.  And, you are right that it makes a big difference is you are self paying.  My insurance covered everything and my surgeon of choice primarily does RNYs and Bands, so I really did not consider other alternatives available.  Keep doing your research on both the best surgery and the best surgeon for that type of surgery.  Both need to be just right for you.  Best of luck.

on 8/4/09 3:35 am
The main purpose of the band is to 'dull the appetite' --- and make it possible for you to eat less at each meal.

As a bandster, you have to choose to eat protein, produce, grains in a small amount, and sweets/fats sparingly.

So -- if your main issue prior to surgery is that you choose foods that are not good for you, the band will not change that.
If you are not a 'volume eater' the band may not be a good choice for you.

I don't want to talk you out of it -- but in my initial interview with my surgeon he was very interested in the 'type of eating pattern' I was in -- so that he could help recommend the best surgical procedure for me.

Please discuss all of your alternatives with your doctor, read the boards here (every surgery type) and attend some local support groups where you can meet patients with all types of surgery --- before you make this very important decision.

on 8/4/09 3:52 am
Thanks for your reply.
I don't want to say I just choose foods that are bad for me, I guess I mean more so that I don't have a really good pattern of eating. Sounds just as confusing huh? lol I have never been a volume eater, I guess I over eat at every meal because of portions etc. Something I have really learned in my support meeting is that what I think is a portion is not even naerly correct. Like I said I tend to skip way too many meals then I am starving. I have gained over a 100 pounds of excess so I must be doing something wrong. Right?

SW/326 CW/224 GW/175
~ 4cc added in 11cc realize- C band~ 02/08/10~
~1 cc added 03/08/10
~1 cc added 05/03/10
~ 1cc added 07/26/10
~ .05 cc added 09/09/10
~ .05 cc added 01/06/11
~ .25 cc added 06/06/11


on 8/4/09 4:03 pm
Hello from a fellow self-payer!  I understand why you don't want to make an error in judgement.  It's such a personal choice but I can tell you why I went the route I did.  And what I'm going through at this point.

You sound a lot like me!  I was also a person who did not eat for long long periods of time during the day and then ate something small and it snowballed from there on through late nite eating.  And some bad choices.  And my portion sizes were way off. 

I talked about all of this with my surgeon and although he said RNY might give me the best results the fastest - he also encouraged the band because of the steadiness of weight loss and how regimented you have to be.  He also recommended the band because I was so worried about the life-long side effects of RNY (like malabsorption).  But again - it's a really personal choice and I support anyone in whichever route they go. 

So he told me that if I wanted the surgery - and since I'm self-pay and didn't have to do the 6-month diet that insurance requires, etc - I needed to lose weight following a pre-op diet.  This really helped me change some habits prior to surgery.  I'm so thankful that I had to do that!  Because I didn't want to waste my money either!  What I found out was that I lost a lot of the cravings I had before and that I'm never hungry too far off my schedule.  But when I'm hungry - I know it's REAL hunger and that I need to eat.  I don't know if that makes sense - and I know I'm not long-term with the band yet - but that's what's going on with me right now.  Before making pre-op diet changes I could never have eaten 3 oz of tuna and said "I'm full" and then gone several hours before eating that much again and being okay.

My bff had LapBand surgery about 16 months ago and she said the same thing when I asked her advice.  She said with her good restriction level she has to eat smaller meals on a schedule and keep the protein up - otherwise she is weak and then doesn't lose weight.  And when she's hungry - it's like she needs to eat SOON!  But she gets full really quickly now. Yes - she cheats sometimes.  Yes - she goes through rough patches.  But overall it works for her.

Sometimes I wonder if I could have lost the weight without having this surgery - if I could have just stuck to a diet.  But that never worked before and goodness knows i tried them all.  What i think will help me long-term is that when my enthusiasm starts to fade and I fall off the wagon a little bit - my band is what will help me not give up.  It's the tool that will give me a stop-eating signal and make it hard to eat foods I might otherwise indulge in. 

Plus - those $$$$$$$$ I paid out of pocket are an AMAZING motivation.  I keep a post-it on my fridge that reminds me how much eas lb lost has cost me.  Right now - with only about 20 lbs lost - it's a HIGH amount per lb.  But that post-it is motivation for me - I look forward to changing it and getting a better return on my investment - lol!  When I reach my goal I know it will have been worth every $!

sorry this was long - but that's where I am. 
Take care and I wish you the best of luck through this process!

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