Need a good scale
Hi everyone! I need to buy a new scale. The one I have is crazy! I get on it and it says I weigh one thing - then I step off and back on and it says I weight 6 or 7 lbs heavier or lighter. Crazy! LOL! Plus - it always weighs about 8 lbs lighter than the dr office - which used to make me happy - now it makes me insane because I have no clue what I weigh.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good quality scale?
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good quality scale?
Tanita makes some pretty good scales that have lots of cool features like calculating body fat percentage, viceral fat, body water %, muscle mass, etc etc etc. They can be expensive depending on how many *shineys* it has on it, but it's worth it imo.
I've had a Tanita scale for about 8 years now (my first scale ) and it is still as accurate as the day I got it and it's within .5 lbs of my dr's scale. It's not super fancy, it just does weight and BF %, but it's a good, durable scale.
I bought a good one from avon, its by curves though. If you want to buy one I sell avon as well and to me it works great it weighs me the same as my doctors office. So im guessing its pretty accurate. Just let me know and I like your post about the lap band support group if we could set one up some how here I would come to it faithfully lol. I would love that tho.
Hi Alisha - thanks for the idea on the scale. I'm going to do a little research on consumer feedback for different brands and I'll get back to you. Also, i heard from someone who goes to the Centennial support groups and is really happy with them. They have a group once or twice a month just for gastric band patients. It's in Nashville, though. And they also have a general wls support group in Hopkinsville that's run by Centennial. I'm not trying to put the Clarksville meeting down - I just want to see what else is out there. I'm all about support!
I know your not trying to put ours down because it is nice to go and see everyone but I know once I get my surgery I will need all the support and advice from band patients, so it would be nice if gateway would have one just for band and one for the rnys and one for everyone like, what sounds like, centennial. But ill look into the one down there. thanks.