
Port still giving me grief

on 7/30/09 1:36 pm - NE
So I am 3 weeks out from surgery and my port area is still really really sore.   Just when I think I am okay someone gets my laughing and I literally have to hold my stomach to keep my muscle from moving.  Sometimes I stand up from my chair at work too fast and I just get this wave of pain and have to sit back down until it subsides.  

So my question is, how long does it take for it to heal properly?  Are there some people who still have pain after several months with the port?  
- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

on 7/30/09 1:39 pm - Trussville, AL
 I am in the same boat.  I still have lots of pain in my port area.  All the rest of my incision sites are healed and don't hurt.  
on 7/30/09 5:22 pm
I'm having that problem, too.  My surgeon said that's part of the reason it takes 6 weeks to get the first fill - the port site has to heal and it takes the longest.  I still get sore around the port when I do a lot of walking or bending.  I'm still really bruised around that incision, too. 

on 7/31/09 1:11 am - Olathe, KS
Mine took me a while to heal.  But have to warn you sometimes if you twist sometimes you can still get a tiny little discomfort, but nothing horrible from what I experienced.

7.8 cc in a 10 cc band, Started at 378 lbs
Goodbye 300 forever and ever! 07/18/2009
Tummy Tuck August 13, 2010

on 7/31/09 1:45 am - Grand Bay, AL
I'll be out 2 months on the 2nd (which is also my 30th b'day !!) and I was pretty sore for awhile but now it's really not very noticable...just a twinge here and there.  When I roll over in my bed I feel it a little more sometimes.  Hopefully with time it'll go away.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.?  - Henry Ford
Height-5'10 Heaviest-335 Weight at surgery-315 Goal 199 

on 7/31/09 4:54 am - IL
scar tissue is forming and it is painfull when it stretches. i am a five year cancer survivor and i still have twinges(that is what i call them) from time to time and yes some of them are painfull still. the port area was the biggest incision and the one that has the hooks imbebded inn your muscle...it will be sore. just take it easy when it s sore. i think mine took like 3 months to totally heal and i am a fast healer!
good luck
Jo Ann M.
on 7/31/09 5:39 am - Edison, NJ
Well... I'm more than a year out, and while it doesn't normally bother me, when I get a fill, the port site usually flares up a little bit and I still get some pain.  But in the beginning it really did take a good 2 months (at least) to feel better.  Sometimes it still bothers me if I bent over while sitting in a chair...  but believe me, the pain I feel is nothing compared to the happiness of the weight I've lost!!!!  Good luck to you

  Always, Jo Ann
        (but hopefully less of me soon )
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