
My surgery is today!

on 7/27/09 1:54 am - Lexington, KY
I leave in 10 minutes for the hospital!  I'm all packed and I had my boyfriend take a before picture of me!  I'm nervous, but ready.  I stay one night in the hospital and will be back home tomorrow, the bariatric center is holding a support group meeting in the morning that I hope to attend before I come home.  I figure, it'll be worth it to go while I'm there if I can.  

Keep me in your thoughts? :)  
on 7/27/09 4:24 am

I hope everything goes well. Please keep me postdated. I am still considering the <>>.  Good Luck

on 7/27/09 6:05 am - NE
Yay!  By now you should be out of surgery recovery. 

Sending lots of positive energy your way!  Keep us updated :) 
- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

on 7/27/09 9:33 am
Congrats!  You are on your way!!!!
on 7/28/09 2:09 am - Lexington, KY
I'm home now!  :) Everything went well but I had the hardest time peeing after the surgery!  I think it was like 8 hours after I woke up before I could go.  LOL-TMI I know. :)  Thanks for all the thoughts-I'm hoping for a quick recovery. :)
on 7/28/09 8:05 am
Glad you are home and doing well.  I just got home today myself. all is well here too!
on 7/28/09 4:54 pm
Sending you happy thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery, too! 

PS - that TMI thing (lol) - same problem I had and the nurse told me it was because of the stuff they put in the IV pre-op so you don't drool and such during surgery - it totally dries you out.  I never knew they did that!  Interesting!

on 8/1/09 3:16 am
Hi, Lisa! This is crazy--I had my Realize band surgery the same day as you did! Dr. Sonnanstine also did mine. My time was at 8:30, so you must have been the one right after me. We'll have to keep in touch and see if we can't help each other through this!
on 8/16/09 3:37 am - Lexington, KY
The board time is in pacific I think-my check in for surgery was 12:30 EST!  I definitely want to keep in touch-are you around Georgetown or did you travel there?
on 8/16/09 1:41 pm
No, I'm from Pikeville, actually. I guess I'm about 2.5-3 hours away.
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