
Protein Drinks/Supplements

on 7/25/09 3:30 pm
hi all!
I had my surgery 2 days ago and now I am on stage 2; anyone can recommend any good protein supplements/drinks?
I got muscle milk-but read for some ppl it was too many calories, and it started making my stomach act so wierd.  Then I tried a supplement from vitamin store but it was awful.  The EAS protein drink was good.
i just don't want to have the calories in these drinks hold up my loss.
does anyone have any good advise on drinks/supplements?
I see all your great loses and I want to be one of them, I fear i won't be.
on 7/25/09 4:07 pm
Hello!  Congrats on your surgery!  I'm so happy to be done with that part - aren't you? :)

I like the EAS protein drinks but I really like the Atkins Advantage ones.  They are a thicker consistency than the EAS so I feel like I'm actually getting something yummy.  They keep me feeling full longer, too. And the flavors are better - but it's all personal preference.  I like the chocolate, vanilla, and mocha latte ones.  I haven't tried the strawberry ones.  I started on them a week pre-op and lost 7 lbs quickly.  I was using them for 2 meals a day.  Post-op I used them for the first 2 weeks and lost another 6 lbs (plus the 7 lbs of fluid weight I put on in the hospital with the IVs). 

I agree - the health store ones and the the ones you mix from a powder -  yuck!!!!    LOL

Good luck and take care!  You will do great! 

on 7/25/09 4:35 pm
Thank you so much for your sharing!
I will try that.
I like the idea of just using that as a meal replacement too.
wow! you have done great.

Thanks again!
on 7/25/09 10:19 pm - Casselberry, FL
Congratulations on your surgery. Mine is tomorrow morning.

I have been using the Syntrax Nectar Protein powder. I love it. My favourite is Chocolate Truffle and Fuzzy Navel (tastes like orange and peach juice). I havent been able to find them in a store and the cheapest place I found them was online with free shipping. I got them in 2 days.

I have been on them for 2 weeks pre op and have lost 12 pounds so far.

Good luck.



on 7/26/09 1:47 am
Thanks so much!
I just ordered it to try it out!
have a great day!
on 7/25/09 11:15 pm - Chatham, NJ

First of all, congrats on your surgery!  You are well on your way.  Secondly, I think that I must have tried almost every kind of protein drink under the sun and didn't care for any of them.  The only one that I buy now is Unjury chocolate and I even add instant coffee to that to give it a little extra flavor (and a boost of caffeine for the mornings).  Good luck in finding something that you like and that you can stick with - everyone's taste buds are slightly different, so it may be difficult to guage whether or not you would like something based on someone else's opinion.

on 7/28/09 11:16 pm - AL
Hi, I know some folks won't agree with me, but I had surgery in May, and so far have lost approx 40 lbs....I drink slim fast drinks, use the powder, add milk, strawberries, or bananas, usually only have one drink for breakfast.  I also add some Unjury unflavored powder to the slim fast to up the protien.  I know some folks say Slim fast has too many carbs and sugar, but if it works, who cares.  I eat lots of chicken and tuna, eat mostly what I want within moderation, just stay away from the refined carbs, and high sugar, and afat foods.  I also make sure I take my vitamin every day.  Drink lots and lots of water which really helps to flush the system out. Slim Fast powder is also cheaper than most of the designer protein powders.  Fits my budget anyway.
Best wishes for you on your weight loss journey..you will do just fine.  Farmgirl58
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