
First fill set for 08/31..

on 7/25/09 2:31 pm - Blanchard, OK
Hi all,

I went to my 2-week postop visit on Wedneday. I have lost 9 pounds since being banded on 07/07. I have to wait until 08/31 for my first fill though I was surprised, however, to find out my surgeon is pretty aggressive will fills. They told me that I should expect to get 4 to 5 cc in my band. I have the regular Realize band. So, I have a 9 cc band. They also told me that the first one is done in the office and then the rest of the feels, if needed, will/could be done under fluoroscopy so they could see how the fluid is going in in order to give more aggressive fills. I was kind of happy about this. But, I just wondered if how many others here who ended up getting 5 cc on their first fill and how they felt?

Thank you
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
on 7/25/09 3:23 pm
I haven't had a fill yet - my first one is scheduled for 8/24 - so I can't give you info on what it's like.  But just wanted to share that my surgeon is also having me wait 6 weeks for the first fill.  He wants to make sure I'm healed inside.  He does a 5 cc fill on the first one, too. So I'll have mine a week before yours.  I'll try to remember to you know how it goes.

BTW - According to my dr's office I lost 6 lbs in the first 2 wks post-op when compared to my pre-op weight.  But I had gained 7 while in the hospital due to the IV fluids.  So I like to tell myself I've lost 13 lbs so far post-op.  I wish they had told me to expect fluid weight gain in the hospital.  I was bummed out! 

Take care!

on 7/25/09 3:37 pm - Blanchard, OK
Hi Rachel,

Thank you! This is really exciting, but can be frustrating too. I really "expected" to lose more weight on my preop diet, which was 9 pounds, and I have lost 9 pounds since my surgery as of Wednesday. I guess I shouldn't be so greedy? I mean 18 pounds in less than a month is certainly not bad. I know the weight loss is going to be slower with the band, I think I am prepared for that. I think if I set some mini goals to stick to that should help as well.

Please keep me posted on how you are doing from now until then (your fill). If you need to vent, I'm here to listen.
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
on 7/25/09 3:49 pm
Funny you should mention goals - I set some on here today on my profile.  And I set some on the Realize My Success site, too.  Some of them are short-term goals like losing one pant size by mid-September.  I'm like  you - I need to feel like I'm accomplishing something soon.  I told myself this today:  My weight is already lower than it has been in over a year and I don't even have a fill yet!  YAY! 

Thanks for the encouragement and support!  It's nice to keep up with people who are at about the same stage as me.  If you'd like a new friend - feel free to add me. 

on 7/25/09 11:11 pm - Chatham, NJ
Hi Paulette,

I had 4ccs on my first fill and it was appropriate for me at the time.  Enough to keep me on track, but not oveerly tight where I couldn't eat.  My next fills after that were 2.5ccs and 1.3ccs, each about two months apart.  Mine are all done under fluoro as well.  I think that you will be just fine!

on 7/26/09 3:18 am - Cincinnati, OH
I will have my 1st fill on Aug 4th (6 weeks post-op) and I am anxious about it also!  I am looking forward to it, but also wonder how it will go.

My fill will be done it the hospital and the rest will be done in the office.  I'm holding on at -19 lbs... but I am greedy and want more also!! 
on 7/26/09 5:48 am
I had my first fill (Realize C -- 11 cc band) at 4 weeks post op

He put in 5cc -- but when I stood up and tried to drink a big gulp of water, I was too tight.
He removed 1 cc while I stood there -- and the water went straight through.

I went back 3 weeks later -- and he tried to put in 2 more, but I was tight again, so he removed 1.

So, now, I am 7 weeks post op and have 5cc in my band.
I go back in 16 days for fill number 3.

I have great restriction right now --- eat 3 ounces of solid protein, about 1/2 cup cooked veggie and find that I am not hungry again for 4 - 5 hours (just like it is supposed to work).

Good luck!

on 7/26/09 2:46 pm - Blanchard, OK
Hi Kath,

Thank you for your info! I can't wait to get my first fill and how ever many it takes to get to the point where I am not hungry for 4 or 5 hours! that sounds like a dream!! Im still on pureed foods, so I get hungry within 2 hours of eating anything. I'm at the white knuckle stage and just ready to get to restriction!

Thank you bunches!!
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
crystal M.
on 7/26/09 8:13 am - Joliet, IL

I was banded in March and have had 3 fills now.  My first fill was 5ccs and my next was 1.5 ccs, next done last Friday was 1.3ccs.  I now have a total of 7.8 ccs in my 11cc Realize Band.  I have restriction now and have to be very careful with chewing very carefully.  That said I think I need one more fill and hopefully I will hit my elusive "sweet spot".  My 4th fill will be 9-1.  I can't wait.

The fills themselves are always done under flouro.  There is very little pain involved.  Just the initial needle *****  My doctor doesn't numb the area.  I am always in and out in a matter of minutes.  Just since my last fill a little over a week ago I have lost 6 pounds.  I love my band. 
on 8/10/09 3:10 pm
I got my first fill today and it was really easy.  They put in 5.5cc in my 11cc band.  They just felt around for the port and stuck in the needle. It took about a minute.  I am back on liquids so I cant really tell what the restriction is like but I am hoping that it will be good!  I have lost 23 lbs since being banded on 7/7/09, but it has been hard sometimes; hunger wise.  Other than that it has been great. 

Good luck with your fill! 



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