
One week post-op and doing ok...

on 7/22/09 4:28 am - Brooklyn, NY
Hello all......just checking in...had my one week post op visit with my Dr. yesterday and according to him all is going well.

I am still having some soreness - nothing more than feeling I had been kicked in the stomach.  The only real issues that I am exeriencing is a sort of reflux thing...at least that is what I think it is....(In addition to the band, I also had a hiatal hernia repaired and I get the sensation of my esophagus sliding and sometimes it makes me incredibly naseaus (needless to say the dry heaves are fun when that happens LOL) and the other thing is I am still feeling more weak than I thought I would...nothing terrible...I am attributing that to not getting in enough protein shakes and fluids...doing the best I can - but only so much will go down.

Overall, these things are so minor...I am still incredibly happy with my decision to be banded......I am already down 20 lbs (YAY).
on 7/22/09 4:50 am - NE
Hi Connie,

Good to hear that you are doing so well!  I am two weeks out today and I am feeling so much better.  I had some wicked acid reflux the first week too, I took some pepcid complete for a couple days and it cleared up. 

My only issue now is that it's really uncomfortable to sit upright.  My incision for the port is still super super soar and swollen.   My surgeon said it was normal since it's in a place where my body 'bends' so it may be a couple weeks. 

I got to actually EAT something today and it was delicious.  For bf i had one egg, a thin slice of smoked salmon, topped with a spoonful of greek yogurt flavored with black pepper and fresh dill.  It was sooooooo GOOD - and suprisingly filling.   YAY for SOFT FOODS!! 

- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

on 7/22/09 6:00 am
Congrats on your success so far!  It does feel good to be post-op, doesn't it?  I mean overall it's not so bad so far except the lack of energy. 

I'll be 2 weeks on Friday.  The only side effects I have are that if I don't sit up straight enough to eat/drink then it hurts under my sternum.  But that's getting better.  And sometimes I have a weird diaphragm contraction that feels like one big hiccup - ouch - and then it's okay. 

I go to the dr tomorrow and hoping it's good news on the weight loss.   Your 20 lbs lost is fabulous! 

Take care and keep up the great progress! 

on 7/22/09 10:23 am
Hey Connie -- glad to hear that things are going relatively well.

I saw my doctor yesterday (my second fill) and when he asked me about pain, I had to honestly tell him that I have not had any pain -- some discomfort, but nothing I would call pain.  I have been very lucky.

I hope the nausea goes away for you soon.

As far as weakness goes, I took a short nap every day for 2 weeks post-op.
I went back to work after 1 week, but since I work at home, I took a short nap at lunch time each day.

on 7/22/09 2:35 pm
I too am one week post-op (9 days actually) and feeling ok. I haven't had any nausea or vomiting, and have kept with the liquid diet, though I'd KILL for some real food right about now! I have been eating Farina, greek yogurt, and creamy/pureed soups...about 4 ounches each serving. I'm down 15 pounds according to my scale, so I'm happy about that. (though with so much to lose I don't really feel or "see" much difference) The only minor complication I've had is that the area around one of my steri strips got red and inflammed, along with major itching. I wonder if it was a reaction to the surgical glue from the steri strip itself. Spoke to the nurse at my doctors office, who told me to soak the strip and remove it, then either gauze or bandaid the irritated area. I added some neosporin. It's just odd because it's the area AROUND the incision that's irritated...not anywhere near the actual incision itself. I'm waiting for two other steri strips to fall off on their own. I'd really like to go to a support group meeting, but unfortunately I'm in a show (I do musical theatre) that opens in 2 and a half weeks, so rehearsals for that have kept me from going since surgery last week. Looking forward to the opening of my show, so I can have my weeknights back and attend some group meetings. In the meantime, I've been going to counseling for one on one support, and I think it's a good thing. Congrats to all of you on your early weight loss! I am thankful to know that we're in this stage together!!

on 7/23/09 8:56 am
It's nice to see so many people that had surgery just a short time ago.

I'm 3 days post-op and so far feeling fine.  I'm not having much 'pain' but am dealing with being stiff and achy around the surgery site. 

I'm worried about not getting all my protein and liquids in.  I'm trying but I'm just not used to being one who sips on things.  They told me it would be hard the first couple weeks and they don't expect me to be able to get 50-60 grams of protein that soon after surgery.  I'll be glad when I'm over this liquid phase - as I'd love some real food right about now.

I do have a question - I went and got some potato soup (no potato chunks, etc) and ended up eating far more than 4oz.  Is this normal?  The container said it was 10 ounces but it wasn't full either.  Will I not really notice much until I've had a fill?

on 7/23/09 9:07 am - NE
Since the soup is probably liquid, it may not fill you up.  LIquids may sit in your pouch for a short amount of time and pass quickly through your stoma.  That's one of the reasons why banders should avoid "drinking" their calories such as milkshakes and such.  

Soup has been a life saver since surgery, I tend to crave salty foods and protein shakes are anything but!  The soup was like my treat for the day :) 

Congrats on your surgery MisssBrown
- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

Paulette L.
on 7/23/09 10:22 pm
Hi Connie,
Glad all is well. I had my surgery 6 weeks ago (no fill yet DARN) and I had the same hiatal hernia and I was tired also for 2-3 weeks but it did get better once I was on protein. So hang in there. I was naseaus as well (really bad the first few days) but that all went away also. Your doing GREAT down 20 pounds already! Yeah! I am down about 22 pounds but at 6 weeks out. I feel really good and I am loosing lots of fat not muscle (they tell me it is important not to loose muscle mass). I added exercise in at week 4 which the nurse told me is really important (as I no longer have the restriction I had the first 4 weeks or so). At the moment I am on will power and exercise to not gain the wt bac****il I get my first fill on August 6th! Lets keep in touch and CONGRATS!
Paulette :)

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 7/28/09 10:58 pm - Casselberry, FL
Hi All

I am post op day 2 and was getting worried with some of the weird feelings I am having. but it seems I am not the only one.

I feel like I have been punched in the stomach just below my sternum and my port incision oozed for a day.
This morning I got up and had to have a warm drink to get my first protein shake in.
I still ache a bit in my neck and shoulders from the operating table.
I guess the feeling in my stomach will settle down but it is just weird.


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