
Can anyone feel their port? Is mine really in there?

Paulette L.
on 7/20/09 12:08 am
Hi I am 6 weeks post op and I dont know if I have soo much fat inbetween the port because I can hardly feel it? I can feel some type of hardness but cant really "make it out" if you know what I mean. Do all banded people feel their port very well or does anyone else's feel like mine just a somewhat circular lump?
Thanks :)

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 7/20/09 2:56 am
I am 4 months post op and can definetly feel my port.  It is very hard when you probe the area that it is.  Mine is still a little sore.
on 7/20/09 2:57 am - Chatham, NJ

Mine felt the same way in the beginning.  Depending on where it is placed, you will probably start to feel it more as you lose weight. 

Be glad that you can't really feel it or see it . . . some folks on the lap band board have complained about how far out their ports protrude or the fact that some clothing rubs against it.  Doesn't sound like you will have that problem!

on 7/20/09 4:07 am - IL
your probably still swollen....lay down and feel for it....you;ll find it ,it's there.
good luck and congrats on being a band member
Brittnie S.
on 7/20/09 8:01 am - NV
I haven't really noticed mine while standing but I can really feel it when I lay down. try that
on 7/21/09 2:32 am - Grand Bay, AL
I can't really feel mine either.  My doctor has me lay down and lift my legs 4 inches or so and then you can really feel it.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.?  - Henry Ford
Height-5'10 Heaviest-335 Weight at surgery-315 Goal 199 

Paulette L.
on 7/21/09 6:04 am
Thanks for the reply...guess maybe we just have not lost enought wt to feel it? Thanks for the reply nice to know I am not alone!

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 7/21/09 8:26 am
I can feel mine too clearly i think :( When I stand up, it almost sticks out! Not to mention there is a four inch inscision scar right on top of it! I sure hope it does not stay like this!
on 7/21/09 3:10 pm - Sammamish, WA
I can definitely feel mine - sometimes when i move in certain ways it is still painful.  but I'm only 5 weeks out and I have to remember that it has little claws grabbing in to my muscle!

My incision is nowhere near 4" i would say 1.5 at most -

If i press in the area, I can feel the edges of the port -
on 7/23/09 7:18 am
I'm so glad you brought up this topic.  I can feel something very hard to the left of my larger incision.  The strange thing is that when I have had a fill, the doctor inserts the needle in a completely different area.  It's confusing.
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