
I was wondering...

on 7/19/09 1:31 pm
Why does it seem like MOST of the before/after pics on this forum are actually RNY patients? Being that this is the Realize band portion of OH, I would think they'd separate them. I was showing a friend of mine the before and after pics thinking that I was giving an example of success stories of people who have gotten the same band I have, and was frustrated to find out most were actually RNY.  Is there a way to fix this? Or is there a place for before/after pics for us banders (lapband too) Kudos to the RNYers out there, but that's not really what I'm as interested in seeing....
on 7/19/09 2:00 pm - NE
I was actually wondering the same thing, i'd love to see differnent galleries separated by surgery type. 

I seems like most of the posters on this  board are RNY too.  At first it made me question my decision but I am still confident the band is the right choice for me.  

- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

on 7/21/09 8:27 am
I too have wondered that! I do not know what if anything they can do about it! I wish they would change it, but??? Oh well...
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