
How soon post-op back on treadmill?

on 7/17/09 7:24 am
My surgeon said he didn't want me to use a treadmill for at least 2 to 3 weeks post-op.  But I have a hard time walking enough otherwise.  I live in a rural area on a curvy country road and there are no sidewalks, parks, etc.  I can't drive for another few weeks to get to one, either.  So I've been walking up and down my driveway but that only works when it's not raining, etc.  I'm getting BORED!  Anybody have any suggestions?  How long did you have to stay off a treadmill?  And why, I wonder?  It's a large, commercial-grade treadmill - not an unstable piece of equipment. I don't understand why it wouldn't be okay to use at a low speed with no incline.  Just frustrated!  Any input is appreciated!

on 7/17/09 7:37 am

Maybe your doctor is worried about you slipping. It's a shot in the dark, but I know for me, I'm a total treadmill clutz. I'm much better on solid ground. I could see how that'd be really bad if you ended up tripping and falling post-op. I too have the same question though about when I can begin to exercise. I am 4 days postop and noticing that I've started to get headaches. I'm not sure if it's lack of activity or the fact that I've been sticking to the liquid diet and my body feels deprived....anyway, do you have DirectTV or another cable provider that has those channels that air exercise videos? Maybe we could try doing an ultra watered down version of that just to keep moving...how far out of surgery are you? Also, why can't' you drive? I'm 4 days post-op and my doctor didn't say anything about not driving, as long as I'm not on pain meds...


on 7/17/09 8:12 am
Hi Kelly!  Wow - you're 4 days post-op and you sound like you're feeling pretty good!  Me, too.  I'm 7 days post-op.  Surgery was 7/10/09.  I do get headaches when I'm not getting enough nutrition!   About the treadmill - maybe you're right - maybe it's that some people would fall on a treadmill or overdo it with speed, incline, etc and get dizzy!  And pain meds would contribute to that.  I think that's part of the reason for not driving for 2 to 3 weeks but mostly it's to let you heal internally, i believe.  I had a hysterectomy in 2005 and that was full incision - I couldn't drive for 4 weeks after that.  And I had laproscopic gall gladder removal in May - I couldn't drive for 2 weeks after that.  I think it might have to do with the abdominals, too, but that's just a guess.  Driving puts more strain on that area than some people think.  My friend who had a tummy tuck wasn't supposed to drive for several weeks, either.  And all of these surgeries were with different doctors.  Sort of like the no-lifting and no-ab-exercise advice.  I didn't ask why - it's just always been in the printed instructions they sent home with me.  My surgeon only recommends walking for the first 4 weeks, no lifting over 10 lbs for 4 weeks, and no driving for at least 2 weeks post-op.  It may be something  you want to ask your surgeon about.
Take care!  Keep in touch!

on 7/17/09 9:15 pm - Chatham, NJ

I think that Kelly is right about the treadmill - since it's a piece of machinery, most people would be more likely to hurt themselves on it and/or go longer and harder than they would otherwise.  If you go real slow and are very careful, it is probably OK.

As for driving, I don't think that it is the actual driving that is concerning, but getting in and out of the car, which is when you use your abs without realizing it.  I had no driving restrictions other than I had to be off pain meds.  I was back at work after a week and I was really careful with getting in and out of the car.

Good luck!

on 7/19/09 11:39 am
I have never heard of that. I am three weeks out of post op and was on the treadmill at the gym the 3rd day after surgery, and have had no side effects as of yet and when I told my doc I was doing it he said that was great and to continue and my body would tell me when to stop doing things.... 23lbs down in two weeks somethings workin!
Paulette L.
on 7/20/09 12:00 am
Hi Just reading your post and reply's. I am 6 weeks out and while I could have done the treadmill I didnt because the first 4 weeks is about healing and healing properly. I think the dr. just dont want to chance anything inside twisting or moving and then the tissue around areas healing the port and such in the wrong place. I figure I have the rest of my life to exercise but I only have the first 4 weeks to heal properly. So try to be patient and dont compare yourself to others that will post. Who knows...down the road someones port my flip and who is to say if it was because they did too aggressive workouts too early and caused their problems to happen later on down the road. Does this make sense? Anyway I am 6 weeks post op and have been on the treadmill since week 5 and it feels great. Hope this is helpful. Good luck!

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 7/21/09 2:54 pm
thanks Paulette!  I talked to the RN at my surgeon's office when she called yesterday and she said very similar things.  She reminded me that I'm at the stage where most people feel so much better that they start doing too much.  Plus - I had another abdominal surgery back in May so they really want me to be careful with two that close together.  I appreciate your encouragement and the "reality check" - it is helpful!  :)
Take care!

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