
Artificial sweetners

on 7/17/09 5:25 am
I am wondering if anyone else had severe headaches after only eating foods or protein solutions with artificial sweetners. Whikle I was on liquods all I had were things that were sweeten with artificial sweetners and I developed severe headaches in  the top of my head and since I quit them I'm haedache free.  
on 7/17/09 7:03 am
I have a severe allergy/intolerance to NutraSweet (aka aspartame, phenylalanine, phenylketonurics).  Within a short time of consuming even a small amount I'll suffer migraine symptoms including pain, ocular problems, and vomiting.  I don't have a problem with other sweeteners.  After reading a lot about these products I try to avoid them.  Scary stuff and they are in so many things.  Makes it difficult for me.  If i try to avoid sugar it's either saccharine or Splenda.  I don't want the intestinal upset from Splenda. So it's constantly a battle for me - I don't know what to use that would be a better option. 

on 7/17/09 8:13 am
I am thinking good old fashion sugar used in moderation. Speaking of synthetic food rats won't eat margerine (oleo) because it is not food, so neither do I.  
on 7/21/09 3:16 pm - Sammamish, WA
This is my big pet peeve - they should remove all of these types of sweeteners from supplements - let the consumer add the amount of sweetener they want/need and choose what type.  OR they should use truly natural forms like Stevia - it's an excellent form of sweetener and in some forms has added fiber (stevia plus).  Besides - they are TOO sweet and make me feel like i'm going to gag

I get sores in my mouth with too much aspartame, even just a little.  Other 'sugar alcohols' really upset my digestion in general and I avoid them all.

I use unflavored protein supplements to be sure I can avoid the sweeteners.  The downside is they don't disolve well or completely in water like the liquid forms do.  If anyone has had success finding an unsweetened liquid protein i'd love to hear about it.

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