
How quickly have you lost it?

on 7/16/09 1:51 pm - NE
Hi Everyone,

This question is for all the veterens out there, people 8 months out or more. 

How quickly have you been losing your weight, 1-2lbs a week?  more? 

What's been the hardest part of being banded?  I am only a week post-op and still feeling very motivated, do you have any tips for success for us newbs? 
- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

Ashley A.
on 7/16/09 2:05 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Hey, I'll be 8 months out on August 1st so I hope it is okay that I answered.

I have lost a total of 86 lbs to date. That ends up being so far around 12 lbs a month. Everyone loses at different rates. From my experience the more you have to lose the quicker you lose it at first. I plateaued for a couple months on and off where I didn't lose anything so that definitely gets frustrating but it happens to everyone.

The hardest part of being banded once I got good restriction I began to have stuck/sliming episodes more than I should have.

The advice I could give you is just follow the rules and make sure you chew chew chew. I didn't have good restriction until I was about 3-4 months out so I pretty much could eat whatever I wanted but I was still losing weight. I do regret not exercising earlier on in my journey because I know I would have lost a lot more if I would have been working out, but I was lazy so if you are motivated I would start as soon you are able to and start doing some type of exercises.
I hope this helps. Congrats on the surgery! 

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 7/16/09 2:28 pm - NE
Wow, 86lbs is awesome! 

That is really good advice, everything I've read is that exercise is a must if you want to be sucessful with the band.  I am reallly stoked to start exercising, before I started at my current job I exercised a LOT, at least 5 days a week.  Fast forward  6 years and 120lbs later and here I am :)  I'm planning on hiring a trainer once I am healed to get me back into the routine and keep me challenged.  

Thanks Ashley!

- Patti
True Change comes from within. 

on 7/17/09 12:32 am - Chatham, NJ

One word of advice - EXERCISE!!  If you want the average results, then just follow the diet and restrict your portions.  If you want better than average results and are really motivated, then start exercising right away.  Not only does it make you feel better, but it completely reshapes your body.  I have consistently lost 10lbs each month (my personal goal) doing this.  I started at a tight 18W and am wearing a size 6 today, plus I've got my curves back.  Good luck!!  You can definitely do this!

on 7/17/09 1:29 am
Your weight loss is inspirational! I am 4 days post op, down 9 pounds (though I'm sure that's mainly water weight, but a loss is a loss nevertheless!) My question for you is how quickly should I begin exercising? I am still a bit sore, but definitely want to jump start my progress and avoid loose skin as much as possible. Any suggestions?

on 7/17/09 2:02 am - Chatham, NJ


Sounds like you are off to a great start!!  Who cares if it is water weight, it's still weight that was dragging you down before.

I started walking from Day One because I wanted to avoid gas pains - and, you know what, I didn't have any dreadful gas pains, so I guess it worked!!  In the beginning, it was only about 10 mins, 15 mins, 20 mins, and so on.  Slow pace, nothing too stressful.

After that, I just slowly started to increase my speed and time.  Once I was officially cleared to exercise (sorry, can't remember how many weeks that was!), I started adding just a few minutes of jogging (literally just a few minutes).  But, week after wee****pt increasing my speed, incline, and time jogging.  It's amazing what your body can do when you pu****!

Now, I usually run about 4 - 5 miles (currently at 5.7miles per hr, but working on increasing that!) per day plus walk out the last 20 minutes or so at a speed of 3.8 with some light weights.

Oh, I should mention that during the time that I was losing, I was watching the Biggest Loser routinely.  There was one episode that really hit me over the head.  It was the one where Bob got really, really mad at the one woman on the silver team (can't remember her name).  He was telling her how she wasn't working hard enough and that she could do more.  From that moment on, I really watched how these folks trained and realized that if I wasn't sweating profusely and I wasn't sore by the time I finished my workout like they were, then I hadn't done enough or it was getting too easy for me.  This realization is what has kept me stretching myself with my fitness and allowed me to focus less on just a number on a scale.

I have been EXTREMELY fortunate that I have not had the loose skin that most folks complain about.  Not sure if that it because of genetics, my age, or the fact that I was obese for only about 10yrs, but was average size before that.  In any case, there's not really much you can do about it, so focus on what's underneath.  Besides, the right clothes can hide the worst of flaws!!

Good luck to you!  Feel free to PM me anytime!



on 7/17/09 4:42 am, edited 7/17/09 4:43 am - Lawrenceville, GA

Just to put my two cents in I am about 10mo. post-op and have loss 117lbs. They are absolutely correct about exercise. I exercise 6 days a wk. but I will be cutting down to 5 days because I am really about 20lbs below by goal wt. The doctor is fine with my wt but I wanted to be around 165lbs even though I still feel great at this wt and will try my hardest to maintain. I love my band to death other than my kids and husband and family that is the best thing that ever happen to me. Again but exercising is the key the most time I hear some people complain about their band they either nothing eating right (lying to them self that they didn't cheat) or not exercising. But don't get me wrong we all have our ups and downs because at one point I was stuck and no matter what I did I could not loss but I would catch my self bengining on weekends. I hope I wasn't really to long but good luck and you can do it. Everyone is different.


on 7/17/09 7:40 am
Wow, Kenisha, that is amazing! As someone who is only 4 days post-op, I can't imagine being where you are now! (It's probably the liquid diet talking!) I feel like it's a struggle to get thru the restrictive liquid diet, I can't wait to eat more normally. Any tips on how to survive it? Especially the hunger and the headaches....I want to start exercising, but I think I need clearance from my doctor to start with that. I'm going to check....

on 7/17/09 8:49 am, edited 7/17/09 8:49 am - Lawrenceville, GA
I had a hard time on the liquid phase after surgery. I was almost regretting that I had had the seurgeryat that point. I just tried to stay full by not to think about it but most of it I think was a mind thing because you be use to all the goodies from prior. My doctor told me after 2wks that I can try to do small and slow brisk walks and that's how I started and I been at it every since. I can't tell you that it is easy because you got to put in effort and dedication because the band gone need some pu**** just doesn't work on it's on. I am more than happy to share my story with you guys or if I can answer any question to the best of my knowledge just let me know.


on 7/17/09 12:56 pm - NE
WOW, you guys are all doing so well!  It's very inspiring!  
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