psych eval
The psych eval was a breeze for me. They pretty much just want to make sure that you know what you are going to face and that you have good support. The first part he pretty much just asked me a lot of questions regarding what led up to my obesity and general life questions. He had me answer a lot of multiple choice questions, around 250 I believe it was. He took the test in the other room to take a look at the test and then came back out to told me that it was very important that I follow up with my surgeon and everything else.. It took about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I was very nervous when I went in but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Good Luck!!
I was very nervous before my psych eval, too. But I am so thankful that I had to do the eval - it was helpful! I had my session with the psychologist first and that was about 45 minutes. Then he selected several tests for me to take on a computer. Some were questions that required me to answer on a scale of 1 to 5 how well they fit my feelings about myself. They were questions like 'I deserve to be happy' or 'I use food as a way to escape from stress' - and I had to rate 1 to 5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest). Then there were parts of the test that were more specific and I had to answer with frequency measures like Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Frequently, or Always. Some were hard to answer - they made me think about issues that are sometimes uncomfortable. But I completely understand why they need to be addressed pre-op. They were more specific like "I hate the way my thighs look" or "I am embarrassed to eat in public" or "I finish projects that I start". For me it was a good opportunity to really address some questions that I had about my motivation and self-image. After the tests were reviewed by the psychologist we talked about some specific topics and he recommended some reading material for me, this website, and gave me some information about support groups in my area. It was a good experience!
I wish you the best of luck with your eval, too! Don't be too nervous - although that's easier said than done :) If your experience is anything like mine - you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you gain from it.
I wish you the best of luck with your eval, too! Don't be too nervous - although that's easier said than done :) If your experience is anything like mine - you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you gain from it.
My visit was basically getting to know me and my struggle with weight loss and he wanted to know how supportive my family was going to be with my band and that was basically it. The visit lasted about 25 minutes and I was on to the next appointment which was the heart clearance.I was told that at my doctors office, it was important to get the recommendation so be positive and everything will go fine. You will do just fine.
I had to fill out form that had 340 statements, where I had to choose an answer between a range of "Agree" and "Disagree"...my first psych eval did NOT go well as the questionaire showed that I had a lot of anxiety. I was already working on my anxiety with my personal psychiatrist so I continued my sessions with him until he was ready to write a letter saying that I finally had it under control. I was worried that not passing the psych eval would be the end, but it was just another extra few months along in my journey. :)