Bowel Prep!!! ugh - HELP
I know this is gross but i've been doing my bowel prep for my surgery tomorrow and was wondering if any of you had lots of pain from wiping so much after all that pooping? If so, PLEASE give me a suggestion of how to help this pain. I tried my son's baby wipes, but it didn't help. Thanks so much for any advice!!
I know - i just had surgery last week (7/10) and I had the same problem! For my prep I used Trilyte that my doctor prescribed and one of the side effects it warned about was anal irritation. SO TRUE! Who cares if it's a little gross to discuss - it's a fact and it's NO FUN! But I used cool compresses made from gauze, then a little aloe, and then A&D ointment and was okay by morning. But nothing helped during the prep. Sorry I don't have a better suggestion. But maybe it will help for the a.m. like it did for me. By the night after surgery I was fine.
Hi Heather - aren't you so glad to finally be on the other side of the surgery?!
I'm glad you're feeling pretty good! Did you have out-patient or did you have to stay overnight?
I'm doing very well - I can't complain about much. I am tired but I've made myself walk and shower every day and I've left the house twice in my first post-op week. I had my gall bladder removed in May and learned a few lessons from that. I didn't walk nearly enough then. The only thing for me right now is getting bored with the full liquid diet. But ... and this is BIG for me ... I haven't cheated once! Let's see if I can make it another week. I think it's easier because I've lost my taste for most things. What some people told me pre-op is true for me - some things just don't taste so good right now. What a blessing in a way - lol!
Take care! Get plenty of rest but walk off the soreness and the gas! It helps!!!

I'm doing very well - I can't complain about much. I am tired but I've made myself walk and shower every day and I've left the house twice in my first post-op week. I had my gall bladder removed in May and learned a few lessons from that. I didn't walk nearly enough then. The only thing for me right now is getting bored with the full liquid diet. But ... and this is BIG for me ... I haven't cheated once! Let's see if I can make it another week. I think it's easier because I've lost my taste for most things. What some people told me pre-op is true for me - some things just don't taste so good right now. What a blessing in a way - lol!
Take care! Get plenty of rest but walk off the soreness and the gas! It helps!!!
I'm not sure why I haven't gotten this message. I just found it by going back over the message board. Weird. Anyway... I'm feeling good. You were so right about the walking to help gas pain. I've lost 12 pounds already and it's only been 2 weeks. I totally agree about the liquid diet. I can't wait for some mushies. Talk soon.