
Harder than I thought

on 7/14/09 5:16 am - Phoenix, AZ
I was banded on June 24th and also had a good 2-week weight loss of approx 15-lbs. However, as many of us lifelong dieters know, anyone can lose weight like that on liquids and low caloric intake. Now nearing my third and fourth week, I'm eating "solids" and have noticed that I can eat more than I probably should. I just do my best to keep the contents of my plate to under one cup of food. Always start first with your protein, then veggies, then grains and you'll feel full and may not even want to eat all of your grains.

Be patient with yourself and let your family know that you need their support. You will begin losing the weight, maybe just one to two pounds a week, but that's our goal with the bands.

As for your scale conflicting with the doctor's, may I suggest you have a particular outfit you wear to weigh and do your best to wear that same outfit to the doctor's office for your next weigh-in. That way, you eliminate all the second-guessing, of "do I have heavier shoes on this time" or "maybe these jeans weigh more than the capri pants I wore last visit." I grab the outfit and shoes I wore on my surgery date when I jump on the scale to keep myself honest!

Best of luck to you!

on 7/16/09 7:19 am
The only trouble with wearing what I was weighed in is I wore a hospital gown and nothing else nd weighed 333.2 on the day of surgery. I don't think they will offer me a gown when I weigh in at the doctor's office lol!  
on 7/16/09 1:29 pm, edited 7/16/09 1:30 pm - NE
hi tgrar,

One of the things my NUT told me before my surgery that made me chuckle - but gave me perspective - is that weeks 2 - 12 is "affectionately known as bander's hell" 

She said that after your stomach is done being swollen, you may not feel restriction until you have your second and maybe third fill.    During this in between time while you are working with your surgeon to find the sweet spot, you need to keep track of how much your are eating and measure your food.  

Just remember, YOU are in control of this process.  Measure you food, measure your liquids, and measure yourself!!!  Knowing how the food you are eating effects your weight is something important that you should learn, that is the key to you winning this time.  

I am sorry your family is telling you I told you so    Be sure to tell them how comments like that make you feel and that their support will be a huge component to your success.  

You will always get support here! 

on 7/17/09 4:13 am
Thanks for the definition of banders hell! I will keep that in mind on my journey. .. Terry  
on 7/17/09 12:42 am - Chatham, NJ

Don't worry, once you have some restriction, sticking to the smaller portions will be so much easier.  Having said that, you should start making healthy choices now and try to limit as best you can.  Also, start exercising.  Congrats on losing 30lbs, even if some of them have come back on.  Those will go again in no time!

on 7/17/09 4:13 am
thanks for your words of encouragement.  
Mary B.
on 7/17/09 4:51 am - Southern, MD
This is hard...really hard.

Think of it like this...

At surgery, you had your band installed, in the weeks/months to come it gets turned on, then as time goes by, the power gets turned up.

I have been having a hard time, but Its not gonna beat me. I have FINALLY started an exercise program and I AM sticking to it.

Things WILL change when you get restriction.

The band doesnt do the work for you...how I wi**** did  It will be ok...it will work. Just takes some time. Patience.

...and try to stay away from the scale too often, it can be brutal.
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 7/18/09 3:39 pm - Cincinnati, OH
Yep, been there... done that.

Took me six months to get good restriction.  Sounds like a long time, but when I look back on it, it really wasn't.  One of my banded friends gave me this advice..."Use this time to practice living the Band lifestyle".  She was right.  Don't beat yourself up for still having the same bad habits that you did prior to being banded... just try to start incorporating the good ones one at a time.  For instance, don't drink with your meals.  This was one of the hardest, ok, is still one of the hardest parts for me.  Just a small habit that makes a HUGE difference.  Be patient.  The fills will do their job, it just takes time.  Hang in there.


on 7/19/09 11:55 am
I had mine done on the 29th of june and I have only lost 23lbs but thats good for us we need to lose slowly so our skin has time to tighen up, try drinking the protein shakes say in the morning and when you eat something cut the bites up so that say you normally had 4 maybe 5 bites cut it to have 9 or 10 bites and chew slowly I have the hardest time but it works i promise, don't under no cir****tances give up and let this little set back get the better of you.........   You didn't go through all this work to let this little set back get to you... Stay with it!
on 8/11/09 2:12 am - Harrison, OH
I was banded 6-17-08 and only lost 50 lbs.  i have been in a deep depression and quite frankly given up.  So dont feel bad.  I knew it was going to be hard going into it.  Everyone is different.  Good luck and keep your head up!
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