
Anybody else make funny "urppy" sounds while eating?

on 7/9/09 11:43 pm
I am new to this site, but had my realize band surgery done last December.  I'm having a lot of trouble with weight loss, but what I'm curious about right now is, is there anyone else out there that has gastric sounds while eating?  I don't really burp, it's little sounds, though very aggravating to me (not to mention embarrassing if I'm in public...)  My doctor says he's never had this come up before, and if it continues he will consider doing an upper GI to see if anything's going on there.  So, if anyone else makes these lovely "urppy" sounds while eating, drinking, or taking medication, please let me know.  Thanks!!!
Melanie C.
on 7/10/09 12:37 am - Inverness, FL
Im an urpper sometimes as well....lol... I usually do it when im eating too fast or taking too big of bites.... I have seen people say they band squeeks also... and yes... People around you can hear it and it is embarrassing..lol
on 7/10/09 1:47 am
Thanks for responding, Melanie.  Sounds like you've been a 'bander' for awhile.  Are you having a successful time?  It's so nice to know that I am not a complete freak.  I think my doctor thinks I am sometimes... 

on 7/10/09 5:08 am - IL
i didn't start really losing until i hit really good restriction......maybe you need a fill?
how much is in your band? everyone is different.
on 7/16/09 3:48 pm
I've been there and back...I wasn't losing, so my doctor put in 2 cc's at an office visit...well, I got home and couldn't even keep my own spit down.  I went back in the next day and he took out 1 cc and told me that I had 8 in now, and it should be ok.  I'm thinking I'm one of those people that is going to need to practically fill up the whole thing (it only holds 10 cc's, supposedly) to get the correct restriction.  I'm gonna ask him to put in a 1/2 next time.  That's next week.  All I know is that I really want this to work.  But it's too easy to eat too much still...

on 7/18/09 3:49 pm - Cincinnati, OH

My band makes a cacophany of noises when I eat.  In fact, I have become so aware of them that I know exactly when I should stop eating by how the noise sounds.  If I go beyond that noise, I will pay the price physically. Lol.  I am really surprised your doctor has not experienced this with other patients, but the doctor knows best.  If they feel a GI is needed, then have it done.

Melanie C.
on 7/19/09 1:48 pm - Inverness, FL
I had my surgery dec 16th 2008... I have lost about 45 lbs but I wish my weightloss was faster.. I have been playing with the same 4 lbs for about a month.. I think its all about my willpower... I have none...
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