
Can liquid stretch your pouch?

on 7/2/09 11:47 pm
In order for me to get in the 64oz of water, I have to drink it fast.  Will this stretch my pouch?  I haven't had my first fill but I can't eat as much as I used to.  But I find that I can eat a little more every couple of days.  But if I just sip all day, I won't get the 640z in.  Any advice is really appreciated!!

on 7/3/09 8:29 am
I really don't think so -- I think it goes straight down.

I got my first fill yesterday, and he put in 5cc of saline.

I stood up and took a big gulp of water and it hung in my esophogus -- literally just hung there
and so he removed 1 cc and it went right down.  (it was the strangest sensation --- LOL)

I think that even if you drink fas****er goes right through your band, or you would really feel it.

When you get your first fill, you might have to slow down a bit -- but you should be able to build back up (according to my doctor).

Also for me -- different temperatures feel better and easier to 'gulp' -- I can drink warm tea much faster that I can drink room temperature liquid.

on 7/4/09 6:52 am - IL
no, but don't drink anything carbonated.....it can feel like you are bloated!
on 7/6/09 12:52 pm - Columbia, SC

If you have good restriction drinking anything fast hurts. You may be able to do it now but this is the time to try and train yourself for how things will soon be, I get my protein in with Tuna and cheese I don't do the drinks anymore well I was never able to get them down.

on 7/7/09 9:00 am

Water and liquids can eventually expand your pouch not to mention make you extremely uncomfortable with all that excess air. Small, steady sips wins the race. I know it sucks and you have to think abou****er all day long and drink all day long but gulping and drinking too fast can cause future complications.

Take Care,

  Starting Weight 346.7lbs Current Weight 199lbs Goal Weight 150lb
on 7/13/09 2:05 am - Olathe, KS
My doctor said it can stretch if you drink too much too fast.  I did it the first time with the barium swallow and he said be careful.  So just be careful.

7.8 cc in a 10 cc band, Started at 378 lbs
Goodbye 300 forever and ever! 07/18/2009
Tummy Tuck August 13, 2010

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