
Cha Cha Cha's

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/09 6:51 am - Baltimore, MD
YUCK!   Any ideas on what to do about stopping diarrhea?  I am barely putting anything into my system as it is and it all keeps coming straight out of me ( liquid soup, protein drinks, popsicles, water, iced tea and that's about all I am putting in 1 wk post-op)

Do you think taking some Imoduim would be ok?   I have been taking Maalox since the surgery for the gas pains ( this was helping a lot pre- diarrhea)  but doesnt seem to help the cha cha's a bit.

Tried to call the Doc &/or Nurse but they are out for the holiday weekend and dont really want to page them...


on 7/2/09 7:08 am - Grand Bay, AL
It's pretty common to have "the runs" immediatley after your surgery.  Basically liquid in = liquids out and it should just run it's course.  I only had it for a few days.  I didn't take anything but I would call your dr if you decided you wanted to take something first.
Also, did you have to do the barium swallow right after the surgery?  I've heard that the barium can cause some diarrhea too.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.?  - Henry Ford
Height-5'10 Heaviest-335 Weight at surgery-315 Goal 199 

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/09 7:11 am - Baltimore, MD
I did do the baruim swallow but that was a week ago.  Cha Cha's started Monday (4 days post op)..... and are at the worst today.   I will stick it out a little longer and if needed will page the nurse. 
on 7/9/09 4:26 am
Liquid Pepto-Bismal was my best friend after surgery. Just so you know, it'll turn your poop black..... that's normal, lol.
HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

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