
I feel like giving up

on 7/9/09 12:31 am
That is so sweet!  Thank you!!!
I saw the surgeon not just the PA.  He was wonderful - just a small fill but he said if this isn't it I can come back in 2 weeks.  He said he wants me at restriction ASAP.  That made me feel better that I'm not going to have to drag this out for 6 months.  Of course his receptionist gave me a date 3 weeks out.  She's a stinker.  I'll fight that battle to change it later today :)
Thanks for being supportive.
on 7/8/09 12:28 pm, edited 7/8/09 12:31 pm
I am so with you feeling discouraged. I had my band placed 4/24/09 and seem to have stopped losing weight. Can't seem to find "solid" food that agree swith me. No way can I eat anything in the morning just gets stuck, then I get hungry. Lunch today I made a good choice but i get in a hurry and eat to fast, stuck! had to stop then was offered cheese cake (I was hungry no resolve!) Then the old me kicks in what's the use.....I am overweight because I am an overeater!!!!! Need a brain band.
Thanks for listening, I KNOW what I have to do, it just doing it that is the problem. The good news is there are some foods I would no way eat ie bread etc...(see blog about South Beach Pizza!!!!)
Really trying here......


I am also NOT going to get on the scale till 7/24 (3 month band date)
on 7/8/09 11:01 pm
A day at a time.... I have to keep reminding myself of that too.  I'm feeling better today.  I've started exercising more.  Increased my water.  Still at chocolate yesterday - but although the scale hasn't moved I can clearly see a change of weight in my face and shoulders.  For me - that's where is shows first and then the scale moves.  I did have a fill on Tuesday.  I'm up to 5cc now.  Its not enough yet but I can feel a bit more restriction. 

Keep trying and stay positive with me - OK?
on 7/8/09 11:23 pm
 Thank you for the post. I should be exercising now but just couldn't ...got two days in so far this week. I tend to be an all or nothing person. I think keeping "attached" to this site will help me not give up. I just thought it would be different. Don't want to log all my food etc. Wanted to be "released" from ..how many calories, how much fat, how much protein, how much carbs etc etc etc.

Need to calm down make good choices. I know what a good food choice is at this stage in my life being the professional dieter that I had become.

Still learning to eat with this band slow down, small bites chew well.

This is a journey.....

Tom C.
on 7/8/09 11:42 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
130 (and all) - NOT losing weight is a normal process - especially with WLS. The body will stop losing weight for various reasons - but that doesn't mean it has STOPPED FOREVER. As long as you follow the rules, your body will 'reset' itself and then lose weight again.

If you are having that many issues with "solid" foods, then you may be too restricted. Talk to your doctor about it. Some folks have found that if they drink something hot/warm before eating (especially in the morning) - it help relax the "stomach" and food can flow through easier. I know most Doctors agree on NO FLUIDS 30 minutes before eating, but speak to your Doctor about this and see what their take is on it. Maybe drinking something warm even 30 minutes prior to eating will help.

Also remember, we've all been in the same boat. Come to the boards often, especially when you feel the urge to "go back to old habits". Know I (and others) are here for you !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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