
I feel like giving up

on 7/8/09 3:10 pm
Thanks for your post, it helped me... I'm at 8.5 cc and not feeling enough restriction... Wish me luck.
Paulette L.
on 7/2/09 10:34 pm
HI Banded friend! I also am in your boat. Banded 6/10 and already at a stall and able to eat just about anything (but trying to make good choices 85% of the time). I am a little depressed about that as well but we both knew going in that it is a long process to get the "fill just perfect" and that will take time and that is ok....it isnt a race. I really do think this will work eventually however dont you? In the first 2 weeks I must have been so swollen that it felt like I had restriction and I remember thinking WOW this is great I am loosing wt and feeling full and satisfied. So now that my inflamation is gone...no more restriction I feel like my old self. I am sure once the band starts getting filled it will help we just need to hang in there and do the best we can. I am with you also. Good luck.

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 7/3/09 8:08 am
 Please don't give up because if you do, then I will be discouraged again myself.  I was banded with the realize C band on 5/15/09 and I have only lost 17lbs and 12 of it has been since my first fill on 6/12.  I am too very discouraged but I try to remember that it is 17lbs that is GONE.  It's 17 that I wouldn't have lost before the band.  I put on a size smaller shorts yesterday and they not only fit, they were very loose in the seat, I felt like someone just handed me a $100.00, I was just tickled.  I have also noticed I need new bloomers , the ones I usually wear are heading south of the border most days or creeping up the great divide if you know what I'm sayin.  It's little things that I am noticing that is keeping me motivated and just knowing there is someone out there that is moving slow like me is a comfort, it truly is, I have been beside myself with frustration at times especially before my period.  I'm struggling here with ya.  OH yeah, and the two pounds that are back and forth have wrecked my mind.  I try not to get on the scale except for when I wake up , after I pee.  I'm still working on the part of not getting on it everyday.  Good luck to you
on 7/8/09 10:01 pm - MI
Your right...it isn't how many pounds you loose it is how it makes you feel. If needing new Bloomers makes you feel good then you hare doing GREAT!
MaMa M

on 7/3/09 9:06 am
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.  The good news is I'm going for my second fill on Tuesday.  Until then I'm working on drinking a lot more than I eat. :)

The one discouraging part was my mom and I ate lunch today and the first thing out of her mouth was - "I'm just amazed that you can still eat so much.  My friend who was banded can eat only a small portion."  I almost cried!  But instead I said - I'm sure at first she ate this much too - she's had the bad for 3 years now and has had regular fills. 

For all of you who have done this - you are amazing!
on 7/8/09 3:07 pm
I am right there with you and I have been feeling really badly about my weight loss for the past 2 months. I had my surgery on 12/29/08 (just over 6 months ago) and I have lost 37 lbs. I have had 4 fills that I can remember and I am at 8.5cc and I still don't feel enough restriction. I feel like I am failing. I feel like I should be controlling my portions better... but the logical part of me thinks that if I was capable of controlling my portions ...then I wouldn't need the band to begin with.
When I decided I would get the band, I thought that it would help me control the amount of food that I eat. I understood that eating healthy and exercise were my part of the bargain but that the band was going to help me control how much I could take in. For the first 4 months, I was doing great as far as eating healthy. But it was me, not the band, that was controlling my portions and like any other DIET, I eventually gave up on all the measuring and weighing...I've already done Weigh****chers...and it never lasted.Oddly enough, I have been exercising more lately than before. Needless to say, I have not had ANY issues whatsoever with taking in food. I spit up food once when I accidentally drank a big gulp of water but, other than that, I have not had one issue. And for the past two months I have been trying to let the band tell me when to stop eating. Well, I am getting another fill tomorrow and according to my scale, I have gained 2 lbs.  I feel like such a failure. After reading all of the posts, I feel somewhat better but the agony of getting weighed in tomorrow is looming over my head. I just need this band to do what it is supposed to do... I am losing motivation by the second... and I feel like it is my fault.  Before surgery, I really had no clue as to the amount of time it really takes to adjust to this band and how long it takes to find the right tightness. Wish me luck! And thanks for the posts, they really helped me feel better! 
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/09 11:20 pm
You can do it!  You can do it!  You can do it!  You can do it!  You can do it!   You can do it!   You can do it!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 7/7/09 12:05 am - Milford, NJ
Maybe you should make an appointment to see a bariatric nutrionist or even a bariatric pysch doc. They might be able to give you some insight as to the issues you're struggling with.

The nut will help you with a food plan....The psych might be able to help you with the fighting demons you are dealing with.

Are you drinking at least 64oz of water daily?

60-80 grams of protein?

Protein Shakes?

How about some Sugar Free snacks....popsicles, pudding etc....

You'll get there....just take it one day at a time. Stay off the scale. Maybe go on just one a month!

I was banded 5/19/2009...as of three weeks ago I had lost 24lbs and 7 inches...I go to the surgeon this Thursday for my 6 week check up...no fill yet. If I'm hungry I eat something I'm supposed to, even if I have 2 SF popsicles...better than a cookie or two!!!

Good luck!!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 7/7/09 12:17 am

I am going to see my doctor today - hopefully for a fill.  I've upped my water intake and that has helped with my hunger.  The scale hasn't budged - at all.  At least it isn't going back up.  I'm trying to stay positive.  Its just hard knowing that you're doing the right things - protein, water, exercise etc and the scale isn't moving.  Some positive reinforcement would be nice right about now :)

on 7/9/09 12:26 am - Milford, NJ
Hope you had a great appt yesterday with your doctor...just take one day at a time...we're all here for you!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

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