
I feel like giving up

on 7/1/09 11:35 pm
I was banded on 5/29/09.  I did the pre-op liquids.  I complained but I stuck to it.  I saw some great results - 15 pounds.  I had surgery and gained a bit from the air and IV.  It took a couple of days but that came back off.  I started right away on exercising.  I exercise 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day.  I have enlisted my children to get me motivated to exercise.  I was going on fitday and listing everything I was eating.  I haven't lost a thing!

I've had one fill - 3.5 cc in my 11 cc band.  I have the Realize C band.  I felt a little restriction for a few days - but now there isn't much.  The last 3 days I have just been HUNGRY.  I'm trying to make better choices and I'm getting all my protein in... but I'm also getting in Oreos and crackers... I feel like I might as well give up because following the rules and exercising isn't doing anything.  I KNOW this isn't right.  I just feel hopeless today - and well the last 3 days.  I've committed myself again to behaving myself.  I've gained 2 pounds in the last 3 days!

Just having a little pitty party for myself....especially since I see all you wonderful successful people.  And just so you know...this morning I ate breakfast - 2 eggs.  And I exercised for 20 minutes.  I'm trying...but I know by later today I'll probably throw up my hands and say - what for?
Mary B.
on 7/2/09 12:09 am - Southern, MD
Im sorry. Believe me I know exactly how you feel. Im up to 6.5 in my C band. Im struggling. My fills are kinda funny as they are tight for the first two weeks...and Im SO excited. Then they fizzle out and Im depressed for the next 2-3 weeks until my next fill. I have fill #4 scheduled for the 20th.

I often feel like Im going to fail at this too. Then I realize Im not exercising enough. I dont WANT to keep track of my food, cause been there, done that and didnt lose anything. Its a constant struggle. Im leaving this evening for vacation and Im terrified that Im going to gain while Im gone but Ive sent DH out to join a new gym nearby so I can start when I get back. Im eating 1/4 of what I used to eat and I make the right choices 85% of the time so I feel like it should come off, but I just bounce around 2 lbs.

Just want you to know that you are not alone. Its hard, but I kinda feel like I lost 25lbs and I honestly dont think they will come back (minus bouncing around 2-3 lbs). Im ready for the loss to be noticeable, but this could be the best way. Dont totally give up. It will happen...and Im here to commiserate with you! LOL 
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
Tom C.
on 7/2/09 1:00 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



I’ve say this to everyone who is thinking about either operation – they may put the band (or bypass) around your stomach, but not around your brain. While these are tools, you will need to work at it.


With that said, many compare their lost to someone else’s, and get discouraged.

The amount of weight lost is affected by many factors. Everyone loses weight at different rates. It has to do with age, gender, one’s weight, exercise, etc.. A 10 pound lost to one person could be as affected as a 40 pound lost to another. Think of it this way: If a 400-pound person loses 40 pounds; a 300-pound person loses 30 pounds, a 200-pound person loses 20 pounds, and a 100-pound person loses 10 pounds – the 400-pound person didn’t necessarily loose more weight then the others. All three lost 10% of their body weight. 


And sometimes it is not the number of pounds that someone loses in a specified period of time that is important. Remember, if you are toning up muscle – your weight loss may seem to have slowed (or stopped), when in fact you are replacing fat with muscle. Muscle is heavier then fat. Someone weighing 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25 is carrying around 50 pounds of extra fat. That same person weighing 200 pounds with 10 percent body fat would be carrying only 20 pounds of fat. So it’s not the number that is important.


Be proud of your lost. No matter how small it may seem. Remember, it’s better to loose 1/2 pound then to GAIN 1/8 pound.



Some of us (me include) believe scales should be used only for fish or piano ... However, many others like to weight themselves regularly. They feel it helps keep them on track.


Either way, remember there are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.



When I first started, I spoke to a close friend, who is a Certified Fitness Trainer, about losing weight. He gave me some information I found interesting, and thought I’d pass it along.


The first thing he said is “You have to EAT in order to lose weight". He further explained, this does not mean to OVEREAT, but eat sensible portions.


He explained the body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep itself functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food. If a person stay on this type of eating regiment over a prolonged period, the body starts to “eat itself" - which is extremely unhealthy and could be fatal.


According to my friend, the first thing the body will first start to “eat away" at is all the stored sugars in the body. After that has been depleted, the body then attacks all the (both good and bad) carbohydrates and fats. Finally the body starts to “digest" the proteins in the body. The proteins are mostly stored in muscle. One of the most important muscles our body has is the HEART. That’s why many anorexia patients die of heart problems - basically the body ate it away. 


He said don’t worry if you’re losing right away. He said as long as we follow the guidelines our Doctors/Nutritionist has set for us, we will lose weight. The body sometimes takes a while before it “resets" itself.


Just make sure you are sticking to what you’re supposed to be doing. 60 to 80 grams of protein daily, 64 ounces of water, no drinking 30 minutes before/after meals, etc.


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 7/2/09 1:04 am
Thanks Mary!
I'm sorry you're in the same boat as me but knowing that I'm not alone helps.  It also helps to know that you're staying strong no matter what. Good job in joining the gym too! I'm going to keep trying -even though this holiday weekend is about gonna kill me with all the good food. 

Seriously, I will keep on and when I see my surgeon on Tuesday I'm going to have a little chat with him and find out why my body isn't letting go like other people's on OH.  Just a little loss right now would lift my spirits.  Some forward movement.... anything....
on 7/2/09 1:11 am
Thanks for the tough love lecture....I needed it.

I know I shouldn't compare myself to others who are much heavier than me because its not a fair comparison.  As for the scale - I did the weigh every day thing and got discouraged.  I stopped weighing and then I got scared because I was eating more and I needed the accountability of it.  I think I will set up scale days - 3 days a week.  enough for accountability but not obessive in amount.

I KNOW the exercise is helping me.  My endurance is increasing and that feels wonderful.  I built in non-food incentives to my work out plan and I've also enlisted my children - who are painfully blunt if I miss a day exercising with them. 

Its the darn food!  I get obessed with it.  How many calories today?  How little can I eat?  Then I get hungry and I feel like I've cheated.  But its not really cheating if you're only eating 1000 calories.  Darn mind games I play with myself.  I guess I best get back to my nutritionist and get a meal plan set in stone for a while so I re-learn portion sizes and proper food combinations.

As a final note - you're loss has been an inspiration to me.  You're doing a great job!  Thanks for helping me out. :)
James M.
on 7/2/09 3:18 am - SAGINAW, MN

I feel like Im right there with you. I was banded on 5/27/09. I get my first fill today in about two hours.   remember it is a slow process if we lose only a pound a week thts fifty  pounds a year lost. and I gained 10 to 20 lb a year for 15 years look where that got me. if there is one thing i learned from the people  here it is that restriction is a slow process, so just hang in there the weight will come off .   were all in this together. 


P.S. doesnt it feel awesome to be working out and getting stonger


on 7/2/09 3:23 am
thanks for the new perspective and good luck with your fill today :)
on 7/2/09 3:49 am - TN
okay girls, you sound just like me a few mths ago. I was doubting rather I had made the right choice or not, as well as doubting everything. I have a tiny bit of advice, that I hope helps.
1) Go get another fill! You will know when you are tight enough, at first mine only lasted about 2 weeks too. Mine is pretty tight. I have to chew and chew and even this sometimes I have to spit it out, I know its not going to go down so why have the pain of it trying.
2) Up the protien.. get back to the shakes if you need to, I have never stopped drinking the shakes. Tuna/Chicken salads do pretty wells too, jus****ch the calorie/fat content on them.
3) Drink ALOT! it seems to keep the body flushing.
My weight loss is verrrryyy slooooowwww.
I was banded 12/10/08 I weighed 232 I weigh 194 today. So only 38lbs in almsot 7mths.. but. it has been steady and thats all I can ask for.
My size 12's are getting loose so that has encouraged me quite a bit.
I love feeling full after I eat about 1 cup!
Just be careful about snacking between meals. That is what I use the shakes and sugar free popcicles for.. and cottage cheese! having never been a fan of it I have really learned to like it. My favorite is the walmart large curd brand for some reason however. .. so much protien and it is very satisfying.  
I have even added the sugar-free strawberry milk flavor packet made by Disney. to make a strawberry pudding thing.. its pretty good. I bet chocolate works good too.
And I have starting drinking decaf coffee with spenda hazlenut & french vanilla flavors.. that keeps me from snacking here at work too.
good luck girls! 
on 7/2/09 5:42 am
I was told if this sort of thing happens I need to go straight to see the Doc something is not right in my head my subconscience needs some attention. You might want to try talking with a Doc that knows how to help you look for better choices.
on 7/2/09 6:16 am - Cincinnati, OH
I have the 10cc band and didn't hit good restriction on a permenant basis until 8.2cc's.  I know it is hard, but be patient... the band has to be filled a certain point before real restriction begins.  It will happen, until the restriction really begins don't be so hard on yourself.  It will happen and the band will work once it is filled enough... Hang in there.

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