

(deactivated member)
on 6/26/09 10:26 pm, edited 8/6/09 6:43 am - Baltimore, MD

on 6/26/09 10:50 pm
I don't want to be an alarmist... but your pain really doesn't sound typical.  Was your surgery laproscopic? 

Literally just after waking up from the anesthesia after my surgery -- I felt great!

Better to be safe than sorry.  Call you doctor and have it checked out.

Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/09 4:23 am, edited 6/27/09 4:25 am - Golden, CO
You should not hesitate to call your doctor and ask if what you are experiencing is normal. Even on the weekend they should have a doctor on call to answer your questions post-op. I was banded Monday the 15th of June. Days 2 and 3 were much worse than the first day. It felt like I had done hundreds of sit-ups. It hurt to get out of bed. It hurt like crazy to cough and it hurt like a MF to sneeze! Day 4 was better and not bad by about Day 5. I hope you feel beter soon and again, doen't hesitate to call your doctor!
(deactivated member)
on 6/27/09 5:17 am - Baltimore, MD
Thank you all for the information.   At this point, I think I was having an anxiety attack as I feel a TON better now  - I have walked quite a bit since then and took a cool shower.   

I too felt great after coming out of surgery but then it just got worse...it seems to be getting better now though.  
No temperatue and No vomitting.  

I did page my Dr but he never returned my call.   Called the nurse at the hospital too and she referred me to back to the Dr. havent heard anything else from them which worries me since I just started this journey - hope they are more responsive in the future.

Its good to be a newbie!  I will post a full profile and timeline dealie sometime soon


on 6/27/09 12:07 pm - Abilene, TX
Hi,  I am a nurse and have worked in the OR for many years,  when they do the surgery the fill your belly up with air.  This causes severe pain that you are having,  the best thing to do is walk also you can take milk of magnesia and it will help you poo.  hope this info helps you,  good luck
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/09 1:19 am - Baltimore, MD
Ny hubby told me that the surgeon said i had a hydail hernia ( he did not tell me this - in fact, i have yet to speak to the surgeon) so I am wondering if that is why i am have a lot more stitches or something? 

I have clleared out the gas for the most part.  

It really only hurts when getting up and down.  Gonna walk a lot today and see if I can get these cut muscles/fat to stop being so tight!

I am pressing though  and am positive that I will be FINE! 

on 6/28/09 7:36 am
you will have more pain and pressure if they repaired a hernia while they were in there.

My doc does a '5-incision' surgery, even if he has to repair a hernia.

I had one done -- so I can't tell you how much less discomfort I would have had.

I also was told that the incision to the left of my belly button has a deep suture into the muscle and that one would 'hurt' the most.

It definitely made sleeping on that side harder -- and I was told to use my right arm and right side as much as possible for the first 2 weeks or so.

I think that you should feel a little bit better every day ---- if you do not, I would call the doctor.

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/09 12:00 am - Baltimore, MD
Day 6 and I am going back to work!!!  Just for a few hours - I dont want to pu**** 

I was completely overwhelmed by the level of pain I was in the first couple days but have gotten progressively better!   I had never had surgery before or a baby or anesthesia or anything - never even broke  a bone so I had NO IDEA what I had gotten myself into.   The pressure of the gas and stitches were almost unbearable - the pain meds didnt seem to help at all but luckily this all heals fast!  

Thanks for the support people!   I will be around ( hopefully much less ROUND! in the near future)

on 7/1/09 2:23 am, edited 7/1/09 3:32 am - IL
Diladuon is the mother of all morphines....it is highly addicting.......be very carefull.  not that you will but .....do not abuse it.....if it is not working stop taking it and call your doc...a little pain and discomfort is normal but you sound like you really don't feel good. don;t wait any longer..there may be a problem and you don;t want to have them say we have to take the band out! i also work in the medical field, call you doc if you can't handle it anymore!

good luck and let us know!
Amy H.
on 7/1/09 2:43 am - Concord, NC

Hey!  Glad you are feeling better!  I am a post op nurse, who takes care of bariatric patients.  As with any abdominal surgery, like was mentioned earlier, the gas they put into your abdomen hurts very bad.  Mine hurt all the way up into my left shoulder, and I thought it would never end.  I had heard many patients talk about this pain, but never imagined it hurt as bad as it did.  Often we have patients who ask for "something for the gas pain".  Dilaudid is not going to help with that gas pain.  Being up walking around, and passing that gas is the only thing that will.  (I eventually kept extra strength gas-x strips in my purse, since that shoulder pain went on for almost 2 weeks).  the dilaudid will help more with the incisional pain.  As for a hernia repair, I had one of those too, and It is usually a matter of one stitch and shouldn't cause you more pain than the band would've anyway. 

Good luck!  I promise it gets better!!


Work as though you dont need the money. Dance as though no one is watching. Love as though you've never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though Heaven is on Earth! 

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