
grumble grumble

on 6/22/09 4:26 am
This won't be anything new -

I had the band put in on 5/29.  I had my first fill on 6/17.  Not feeling a lot of restriction yet - but there is a little.  I have been getting my protein in.  I have been drinking water and more water flavored with crystal lite.  I have been busy exercising.  Walking 15 minutes each morning and then an hour bike ride almost every night.  The weight isn't coming off!

I know I should stay away from my scale.  I KNOW the weight didn't pop on me over night and it won't jump off me over night either.  I guess I'm just discouraged today.... very discouraged.  It feels like way too much work for no results.

Ok -I'm done grumbling....for now.
on 6/22/09 4:50 am
Silly girl -- I do love your name!!

You have to just have faith -- faith that you are doing the right things for your body and for your health.
Faith that the weight HAS TO eventually come off ----

I know, so much easier said than done ---- but, nothing you are doing is painful --- it is something you are going to have to do for the rest of your life (mee too!!)

If you don't journal your food, you might consider www.sparkpeople.com or www.livestrong.com and make sure you are not getting too many calories or carbs.

Hang in there -- and keep going on the good things!!

on 6/23/09 12:42 am - hopatcong, NJ
what are you eating? i stick to my doctor's eating guidlines of about 12 ounces of food over 3 meals.. i have no restrictions becuase of no fills yet, however i have lost almost 50 pounds.

i go to the gym 1 hour per day 5 days a week.
on 6/23/09 1:17 am
Way to go Destiny!!  
on 6/23/09 2:49 pm - Alexandria, KY
You're not even a month out yet.  You're still healing. 

Everyone's body reacts differently to weight loss attempts.  Don't compare yourself to anyone else, and don't worry about how long it seems to take.  Just keep doing what you're supposed to and your body will eventually follow through.  Sometimes it just has to figure out we're really serious and it needs to change!!  It's a big adjustment.

Best wishes.
on 6/23/09 10:30 pm
Thanks for the support.  The scale isn't moving but I'm keeping track of my intake.  Its in the right range.  I've upped the exercise a bit.  I know it could be a 100 things - warmer weather making me retain water, adding muscle and replacing the fat, heck even my body could be upset at me for limiting my intake.  Its just hard when I hear about everyone losing so much so fast.  I know I also need to keep it in perspective because I'm a lighterweight than others than have WLS. 

I'll keep my head up and keep trying. :)
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