
Need motivation and tips

on 6/21/09 12:32 am
Ok..have lost less than 10 lbs since surgery 5 weeks ago, I am so discouraged and frustrated I really need some pick me up from banders to let me know this is truly possible and can be obtained.  There is no support group here and they only people I know that has the surgery are bypassing me astronomically so that isn't any help at all.  I don't really need to hear what I am doing wrong or what to do right, I have all the instructions I can possibly comprehend.  I look at the before and after photo's but most are of the RNY patients.  any one else lose really slowly?  I've had one fill and hunger isn't the issue, I don't get hungry for 5 hours or so. I also exercise,just not fanatically.  If you have anything positive to say or know someone with similar results, please let me know.
on 6/21/09 5:26 am
My biggest hang up for a while is comparing myself to others. I would say DONT compare yourself to others.

The band weight loss average is 1-2 pounds/week. Sometimes your body has to adjust to the different eating and the amount you have lost.

Are you following the band rules?? Protien first, veggies then fruit, carbs.

I still am hungry so you are doing good if you are not eating for 5 hours.

WIth the band you do have to exercise. My clinic recommends 300 minutes/week. I usually do 250 minutes.

I am losing slow but some of that is my fault. I don't follow the band rules every day.


Don't get discouraged. Be patient with yourself and don't weigh yourself every day.

I am 5 months out and I have lost 35 pounds. Slow compared to others.


Tom C.
on 6/21/09 7:22 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Everyone loses weight at different rates. We’re a generation of instantaneous gratification. However in all my years of losing weight I’ve come too realized to have a success weight loss, it must be done gradually (in steps).   

Many times folks are obsessed about the number of pounds they loose. They are constantly jumping on the scale, and get depressed if they haven’t lost weight in a given time period.


I know there are folks out there who believe scales should be used only for fishes or pianos ... However, many others like to weight themselves regularly. They feel it helps keep them on track. 


Either way, remember there are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… like your toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); even friends/acquaintances compliments. For everyone out there who is a little “depressed" about the slowing/lack of weight loss - try to remember where you were when you started compared to where you are today.


Think LONG TERM. That’s what I am doing. My new outlook is “Slow and steady wins the race".  Even if it take me over 5 years to loose all the weight I want to, I know in the long run I will be happy and healthier. My doctor firmly believes the slower you lose weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off. My doctor reminded me that each pound I gained took time to put on, so it’s going to take some time to loose those same pounds. She reminded me that even if I lost only 1 pound per week, in year’s time I’d be 52 pounds lighter.

When I first started, a close friend who is a Certified Fitness Trainer, spoke to me about loosing weight. He gave me some information I found interesting, and thought I’d pass it along. 

The first thing he said is “You have to EAT in order to loose weight". I know this sounds strange. He explained, this does not mean to OVEREAT, but eat sensible portions. 

He explained the body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect it self. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep it self functioning. If a person's intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food. If a person stay on this type of eating regiment over a prolonged period, the body starts to “eat it self" - which is extremely unhealthy and could be fatal. 

According to my friend, the first thing the body will first start to “eat away" at is all the stored sugars in the body. After that has been depleted, the body then attacks all the (both good and bad) carbohydrates and fats. Finally the body starts to “digest" the proteins in the body. The proteins are mostly stored in muscle. One of the most important muscles our body has is the HEART. That’s why many anorexia patients die of heart problems - basically the body ate it away.  

He said don’t worry if you’re not loosing right away. He said as long as we follow the guidelines our Doctors/Nutritionist has set for us, we will loose weight. The body sometimes takes a while before it “resets" itself. 

So now you need to ask is ..

(1) Am I following ALL the rules

(2) Am I getting in my PROTIEN

(3) Am I drinking what I am suppose to

Good luck, and know we're here for you !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/21/09 12:41 pm
Tom -- You and your advice totally ROCK!!!

I have worked hard to 'let go' of the numbers on the scale and TRUST that if I truly eat fewer calories than I need, I drink enough fluid, I exercise regularly, that eventually the weight MUST come off.

My weight crept on at about 2 pounds a month for several years.  That helps me put the whole 'race' into perspective.

Not only am I losing more than 2 pounds a month --- I am also not gaining those pounds anymore.

You have been lucky to get such good advice, and we are lucky that you are passing it on to us!


on 6/21/09 11:37 pm - Milford, NJ
Wow...thanks so much for posting this Tom!!!

I have a question...I'm going to start exercising when I get home from work at night...my question is...should I eat dinner first? or exercise first? Did your friend give any suggestions on that?

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

Tom C.
on 6/21/09 11:57 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
It's all a matter of preference. And this would be a good topic to post.

I personally don't. I get sick if I exercise after I eat. Others need the extra energy.

When you exercise (especially weight lifting) the blood flows to the muscle. I feel that when that happens, the blood moves away from the stomach, and digestion is hampered (again this my MY opinion).

I have weight lifting friends who stay you need to eat protein just before you lift, in order to help you.

And some even like stay to have coffee with protein powder 30 minutes before your exercise. It's suppose to help give you more stamina.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Mary B.
on 6/22/09 4:26 am - Southern, MD
Tinabug, Dont fall into that rut of comparing yourself to others. I know its hard not too, but you are going to lose what you are going to lose...and Im going to lose what Im going to lose. You will drive yourself nuts if you keep down that road.

Tom, Great answer. I have to tell myself the same thing all the time. We all WANT to lose faster...but whatcha gonna do but what you can do?

Kimi, I usually have a small snack before working out, then have dinner after Im all cleaned up...cause Im starvin by then! LOL 
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 6/23/09 4:33 am
I had my lap band done on Feb 4/09. I have only lost 20 lbs. I have 8 cc and still don't fill much restriction.But I'm staying positive because I have made 2 major accomplishments since my surgery. I quit smoking after thirty years & I gave up soft drinks.So yes I'm upset about the weight,but at the same time I'm very proud of these 2 accomplishments. I feel so much better!
on 6/23/09 10:23 pm
  Thank you all so much for your words of advice.  I am trying to stay positive and I'm still ,well, trying.  I have noticed that I really do need to stay off the scale mainly because I will notice a lb or two gain, then a lb or two loss , it's sooooo addictive.  We don't even want to mention the hormonal tides and the wt gain with those.  I am finally down to 250 and I am determined to hit below it in next day or two, in a healthy way of course.  I go back to work tomorrow ( I work 12 hour night shifts) I'm hoping that will help with mental distraction and being more active.  wish me luck and thanks again.
on 6/24/09 3:15 am
I know you're frustration. I am 6 months out and have lost 30 pounds, 20 of which happened before surgery with the 2 week liquid diet. I had someone tell me the other day that by sabbatogging my weight loss (eating what I'm not suppose to and not drinking like I'm suppose to, which I do eat my protein first, but then I'll "sneak" something else bad in during the day) I am subconsciously setting myself up for failure and I choose to blame it on the band. She said that I have a need for perfection and if I do not believe that I truly can lose this weight then I will continue to put obstacles in my way. Just like they told me at the beginning the band is only a tool, it's our heads we have to get on board to be able to use the tool at it's best. Also, I really think that if my band were tighter and I really had some restriction (I'm at 7.5 cc after 2 fills) then that would make me less likely to put the "wrong" thing in my mouth versus protein only and water. My doctor is not very encouraging and even said to me last visit that he made a mistake by doing the band on me. Boy talk about the tears! I think I was hoping for something that would make me sick in a way and with the band so far it doesn't really effect me other than it does help to control the hunger. So maybe he was right maybe the band wasn't for me. I'm not willing to give up yet and I hope that when I go back in he'll give me another fill and that will really make me aware of the band and what I'm putting in my mouth. Good Luck girl, I truly hope things get better for you.
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