
banded and feeling great! few questions tho...lovenox?

Rachel DiLo
on 6/20/09 5:17 am, edited 6/21/09 12:07 am
so i got my band on wednesday and came home thursday!!! the pain is almost non existant at this point, so thats really exciting. I thought it would be a lot worse. i lost 12lbs pre op, that was fun to hear. im sure im down some more now too but i dont wanna weigh myself just yet. all in all im doing really very good so far!!

has anyone been sent home with lovenox? i have to inject it into my stomach everyday for 3 weeks...i HATE needles. someone pleeeaaase just tell me im not alone!!!

and i havent been able to lay down in bed. ive been sleeping in a recliner. when i lay back i feel everythin shift and when i get up its very uncomfortable. i might give it another shot tonight now that im almost pain free.

one other thing...im supposed to be drinking isopure. i got the alpine punch flavor. its not so great lol it like leaves chucks of idk protien maybe on my tongue after drying my tongue out. is that weird? or does it not make sense? i know its pretty gross.

ive bee drinking lots and lots of water, and a little chicken broth here and there. today i got some ff italian ice. thats like the most food ive had in a while, and im surprisingly not hungry. well i think this post  is pretty long lol gonna go walk around for a bit now

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/20/09 7:44 am - new london, CT
Thats amazing. I cant wait till my surgery.So the pain for you isn't really that bad? What happened with the underwear you cant wear any?
I hope all goes well for you.Keep up the hard work.Keep us posted.
Rachel DiLo
on 6/21/09 12:12 am
i only had about an hour of really bad pain, but once i got some meds i was good. since ive been home ive been fine.

and no they wouldnt let me wear underswear. idk how many people saw my goods that day lol they were like its our job we see it everyday and i was just like damn....ok...lol

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/20/09 11:19 am - Fort Worth, TX

YEAH! Congratulations! Im glad you are home a feeling good. I didn't know that they sent people home with lovenox injections to do themself. It makes sense tho Lovenox is a blood thinner and they are trying to keep you from getting blood clots. I have never had to give MYSELF one but I give them to patients all the time. LOL

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."         Romans 15:13 

Rachel DiLo
on 6/21/09 12:13 am

thanks. too bad ur not here to give me the shot cuz giving it to myself is no fun lol


"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/20/09 12:58 pm - farmingdale, NJ
Hi Rachel, it's not unusual that they sent you home on the lovenox shots. I gave my self lovenox shots for 6 months prior to surgery. They are trying to prevent bloodclots. The pressure that your feeling when you lay down could be gas. My gas lasted about a week. Well congrads on the weight loss and God Bless You.
[image noborder]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wcA3oBn/weight.png[/image]

Rachel DiLo
on 6/21/09 2:58 am
6 months!!! madonnamia!!!! i think id cry lol i tried lying down again last night and i was having trouble breathing. the gas just keeps on coming, my tummy rumbles all night lol and in the morning its like WW3 in my house haha

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/20/09 1:13 pm
Glad to hear you are home!

I did not have to do the shots (although I did do months and months of fertility drugs a few years ago, so I feel your pain).

As far as the liquid Isopure goes -- I drank, drank, drank -- and I brushed my teeth and gargled about 6 times a day to try to get the 'yucky sweet/fake' taste out of my mouth

It gets better in just a few days when you can add full liquids and mushy food --- you will never be so grateful for a scrambled egg!!!

Hang in there!

Rachel DiLo
on 6/21/09 3:03 am
the things i would do for a scrambled egg right now! im so hungry today, and theyre gonna be cookin out here for fathers day ...guess this is where my will power comes in

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/20/09 4:04 pm - Dover , DE
To make the Isopure taste better, try and add a Crystal Light straw to the Isopure.  I use the alpine punch flavored Isopure and a fruit punch flavored Crystal Light straw; a world of difference!   The same can be done with the grape flavored Isopure and a grape flavored Crystal Light straw. Also, make sure that you put em in the freezer for about 45 minutes (to make'em extra chill).  Hope all is well...Alex
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