
10 days out.... no restriction....

on 6/18/09 6:29 am
Is it normal to feel no restriction 10 days out from being banded? I felt a little swollen/restricted the first 3 or 4 days..... but now that the inflammation has gone down, I don't feel restricted AT ALL.

Today is my birthday, and I cheated something horrific.... I had a piece of pizza. Of course I chewed each bite until it was liquified.... but it went down just fine, no problems at all.

I haven't had ANY problems with solid foods. With soft foods, I've been experiencing terrible diarrhea (liquid in, liquid out... I know)...... and if I don't eat, the stomach acid gives me terrible indigestion.

Other than that, I feel just fine. Almost like its too easy. I'm consistently losing 1lb. per day.... and today is the first day I've cheated at all....

Will this be solved once I have a band fill? I hope?

HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

on 6/18/09 8:44 am
It's my understanding that with the Realize band the doc does not put any saline in at time of surgery so you want have restriction until your 1st fill.

I can eat more if I want to but the funny thing is I don't even want to eat very much anymore!

Band date May 4, 2009 Realize Band surgery weight 223.8 ( 5'5)
fills 1st 6cc 6/22/09 2nd 2cc 8/5/09

on 6/19/09 10:03 am
Hey Sunshine,

I'm glad you wrote...  I'm experiencing the same thing - even the diarrhea...  I'm glad to know I'm not alone on that.  I've been wondering if it was normal too.  I mentioned it to my surgeon at recheck - he didn't say anything.   

I don't have restriction either - can eat anything.  I would KILL to be losing a pound a day though!!!  ;)  Not even close... 

I'm supposed to be on pureed foods this week - honestly I find well chewed food is fine.  I have done pureed, but I can't see making a big mess for no reason...  I haven't eaten ick...  I'm still doing shakes - twice a day - just working for me right now... I have some horrid supplements that I'm not about to take without a shake - so using the Syntrax Strawberry Kiwi in the afternoon for those and having the Capuccino in the am...  Otherwise I'm doing 3 oz protein and 2 of veggie - or occasionally fruit - usually veg... 

What I am finding is that I'm satiated with the 4-5 oz of food - even if it's baby food...  So something must be working right.  I do not feel full necessarily while I'm eating - just not hungry after or for some time after... 

I'm not getting indigestion though...  i did have pain - think intestinal, but it's getting better...  I'm supposed to go back 2 weeks from Monday and if I'm good we'll schedule the fill...  I can't see not being good...  I'm eating chicken breast no problemo and frankly that's not until week 3...  it's moist - I don't do dark meat - so it's been fine...

If you get an answer on the diarrhea please let me know!!!  I hate to say this, but mine is yellow... I know TMI, but that seems odd...

Happy Birthday BTW!!!  :)
on 6/21/09 11:45 pm - Milford, NJ
Happy Birthday and Congrats on having surgery!!!

From what I've read and been told, the band is placed around our stomachs empty. Some docs may not do this but the majority does. Hence you're feeling no restriction.

Also, eating pizza after 10 days...WOW! Did your Dr. give you a guideline on what to eat after surgery? I was on liquids for 2 weeks, then went to mushie's for 2 weeks and now after a month I'm able to have all solids. I still have no restriction, but I'm eating very slow, taking 1 minute to chew my food and wait until the next bite. Makes a huge difference, I'm finding I'm eating half of what I used to eat...I'm full after about 25 mins!

Good luck on your journey!

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