
2 days to being realized.... June 19th

on 6/21/09 8:41 am
Ok so i am feeling a lot better today. Still sore but this gas is killing me. Does have any advice on how to get rid of gas?
on 6/21/09 12:44 pm
walk, walk, walk

some people also have good luck with Gas-X (strips that dissolve on your tongue) -- but I never had to try them

make sure you are taking very small sips of your beverages, too -- so you don't introduce more gas.

I find that if I drink from a 16-ounce water bottle, (where my mouth can cover the whole opening) that I take in less air than if I drink from a big cup.

on 6/21/09 11:50 pm - Milford, NJ
Congrats on your surgery...so glad to hear all went well!!! Enjoy the ride and we're here if you need help!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

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