
2 days to being realized.... June 19th

on 6/17/09 12:46 pm
Well I am having my surgery on June 19th. I just learned that I will be on an all liquids diet tomorrow. Hopefully I will not be snapping at people because I am hungery. Wish me luck. Please give advice on how to get though tomorrow without going off on people.....
on 6/17/09 1:33 pm
Are you allowed 'full liquids'?  --- like Cream of Mushroom soup?  that can be pretty filling.

I always thought that 'warm' filled me up better than cold.

So -- a nice cup of tea in the afternoon, or evening if you are hungry may help.

Make time for a nice warm bath tomorrow evening (if you enjoy that) and plan to go to bed early.

Best of luck on your surgery -- I had mine almost 2 weeks ago, and it was much easier than I anticipated.

on 6/17/09 7:14 pm - Stamford, CT
I was banded on 6/15 and was on clear liquids for the two days pre-op.  I suggest that you sip something every fifteen minutes.  I had beef, chicken and/or mushroom broth (organic broth made by "Pacific" and comes in a carton) for meals, followed by SF Jell-O snacks.  Peppermint tea soothes the stomach.  Isopure has 40 mg of protein per bottle, so that should help with nurtrition; stock up on this, because you will need it for post-op nutrition.  If you feel gassy, try a chewable Maalox Plus (antacid plus anti-gas).  I assume that you need to take Milk of Magnesia on the day before the surgery in order to clean your bowel completely.  You will be glad, since it will be more comfortable to pass the post-op gas without any solids in your bowel.

Post-op: you will be drinking one ounce of liquid every fifteen minutes.
on 6/17/09 9:33 pm - Columbia, SC
First Congratulations! I wish you all the best with your sister girl band. The mind set that you are going to need on the liquid diet is the mind set you will need to get you through the first year of your band. Whether it's liquid or what your diet will change completly and that is what is tough to deal with at times. Just Pray and remember the reason you chose the band in the beginning and you will be fine.  Again Good Luck, you can do it because I am doing it and If I can do it we all can.
on 6/18/09 12:36 am
Hang in there!! It's not as bad as you think. Just keep your mind on the benefits of you have surgery.    
on 6/18/09 2:20 am
Thank you all ladies. Today has been better than I thought. I have been sipping every 15 min and haven't gotten hungrey yet. I think I will use something to cleanse me tomorrow to help with the gas. Thanks for all of your help. Just one more day
on 6/19/09 1:17 pm
I hope your surgery went smooothly!!

Let us hear from  you when you feel up to it!!

on 6/19/09 1:57 pm - Blanchard, OK
thinking about you today!! I hope things went smoothly and you heal quickly!!
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
on 6/20/09 12:39 am
Thank you all. The surgery went very well yesterday. Still a little sore and very thirsty. Just trying to be move around alittle bit. The doc stated everything went really well. He only had to have 1 hole plus the hole for the port. So that was really good that I didn't have to be cut 5 times. I will be in touch.
on 6/20/09 12:49 pm - Blanchard, OK
Oh that is good! I wish I wouldn't be cut 5 times, but I bet I will. It will be much easier healing for you!! I am glad everything went well.
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
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