I will be banded on the 25th of June and my sister who is probably 80 lbs over weight came over to say she has found a hypnotist that will have her loosing weight. She says he has had one person who lost over 120 lbs. This is the same sister who said that she was now considering banding after I told her I was going to be banded. I wished her well and said that I hope it works for her. I am getting more excited as the time nears.
You know I heard just the other day, they have a hypnotist that will hypnoize you into thinking that you had WLS done. They wheel you into an "operating" room and everything. I thought that was too funny.
1st fill 7/8/09 4cc in a 9cc band
2nd fill 8/5/09 2cc total of 6cc
3rd fill 9/2/09 1cc total of 7cc