
Anyone get sick right after surgery?

on 6/13/09 2:13 pm

Hello all!

I was wondering if anyone got sick right after surgery? I am terribly worried about getting sick. I had my gallbladder out (as a part of my pre-op for my band) and got very sick, so sick I split my bottom incision. I ended up in the hospital for vomiting for 7 hours right after my surgery.They assume now it was from the morphine and now have a plan to give me different pain meds. I am worried it was from something else and I will get sick again... Just wondering if you had the same thing?
I have always had a sensitive stomach. It did not last very long, only about 36 hours. Just don't want to get sick on a newly banded stomach...
Thanks for reading this...
Take care and have a good night...

on 6/13/09 5:17 pm - Stamford, CT
I had my gangrenous gallbladder removed close to three years ago. The surgeon attempted the laparoscopic procedure but had to switch to "open".  I had no problems from the surgery except from the infection, but no vomitting.

I don't understand why your surgeon didn't remove the gallbladder at the same time as cutting for the WLS.  Why make you go through surgery twice?

In any event, good luck.
on 6/14/09 12:56 am
Thanks for the info... They cannot do the gallbladder and the lapband together ever. The gallbladder is what they call a "dirty" surgery because of the bile. If the gallbladder is removed and any bile leaks out, there can be serious complications. The lap band is a clean surgery with very little chance of infection from the inside. I begged him to do it all at once, but it is impossible! :(
Take care...
on 6/14/09 11:18 am - Stamford, CT
I'm sorry that you have to go through surgery twice.  Fortunately, these procedures are done laparoscopically.  Once upon a time, they each would have required large open incisions.  Best wishes and cheers.

Ariela (I guess I'll be out of commission for a couple of days, since my wls is tomorrow morning)
on 6/15/09 10:10 am - Cleveland, TN
Cindi Dr steely is fabulous he put my band in 4 days ago, please send me a friend request so we can keep in touch
Paulette L.
on 6/13/09 8:57 pm
HI Cindy,
Well I had my surgery on Wednesday and I was REALLY sick. I dont say this to scare you but I also had been put "under" before and I knew what to expect. I asked the dr. to give me everything they could for anti-sickness...and they loaded me up. The sad news was despite their best efforts I got sick as soon as I woke up and stay sick for most of the two days I was in the hospital. Now the good new....is that despite that my band remained in place and it is now SUnday morning and I am no longer sick and feeling great. I also was thinking it was from the morphine but I choose after the surgery not to have any pain medication so that was not the reason for me. The good news is that they do put the band in their really good so try not to worry. I was nervous also but upon xray my band was fine. So that my friend is the good, the bad, and the ugly. Try not to make yourself too nervous or worry about it as their is not much you can do. I went in knowing the first two days would be difficult but I would do that to have a healthy life. I would be happy to tell you more if you want so feel free to ask. Good luck and take care!

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 6/14/09 1:22 am
I recieved two "stomach" meds and loads of gas ex before surgery hoping that I wouldn't get sick as well, but it didn't work.  I was the only one that day to become so nauseated and dry heaving that they had to medicate me heavily to stop me from doing it and possibly irritating my new band.  Oh, I'm not kidding, I was sick as a dog.  That was on a friday afternoon and by saturday evening, I was feeling much better in every way.  I'm sensitive to anesthesia so I was kinda expecting it but the gas was a huge problem for me for DAYS,much worse than the incision or any other problem. Oh, and by the way, gas ex does NOTHING for it.
on 6/14/09 1:53 am
I was nauseous after surgery but my biggest problem was the morphine did nothing at all for the pain expect give me a horrible headache. I have had mid back issues for a long time so that didn't help either. I'm a little over 2 weeks out and still not feeling great. I don't know if I overdid it and went back to work too soon. I went back after a week, but I keep getting slight pain on my right side under my ribs. Of course it started happening after I saw my doctor for my 10 days post op when I was feeling fine. I'm worried that the band may have slipped but I think I would be in horrible pain if it did. I am also really tired...not sleep tired...just no energy. I've been taking my vitamins and talking to other people who have experienced the same no energy for a few weeks. I have not had any problems with keeping food down (I tried something I shouldn't have (beef) but cut it into baby size pieces and it was fine). My biggest concern is slipping of the band...I've been picking up my new grandson but he only weighs 9 lbs. and from what I've been told we can pick up anything more than 10 lbs. I'm wondering if this is just all the healing going on and it's just going to take time. My nut says it takes at least 6 weeks. Any suggestions???




Paulette L.
on 6/14/09 8:01 am
Hi Dean,
I had my surgery about 5 days ago and I am feeling REALLY wiped out as well. I was also wondering how long this feeling will last. My guess is because I am not having anything with carbo's or protein (I am on clear liquids, broth, and water) that I will have no energy until Wed. when I can start on protein shakes. Glad to hear it isnt just me as I was starting to get worried! Thanks for sharing ...sorry I dont have any good tips for you. I dont even take my vitamins until Wednesday! Be well!

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 6/14/09 11:28 am - Stamford, CT
Much of this fatigue is due to the anesthesia.  A doctor once told me that if you took a perfectly healthy adult, administered anesthesia for an hour or two, and did not make one incision, that person would feel lousy for a wee****il all the anesthesia worked itself out of the body.  In fact, my sister had ambulatory surgery last Monday, was tired and took it easy around the house with little jaunts outside.  On Friday, she was pooped and didn't want to go out to dinner.  By Saturday morning, she was up very early and we spent the entire day in Manhattan walking for miles without her every getting tired.

I'll pass along what other people have said to me.  Keep smiling, this too shall pass.

Good luck, Ariela.
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