I am so let down
Well it is now exactly one week after my surgery and I don't feel like it is helping at all...I was starving 2 days after my band was put on and it has only gotten so much worse. I was told I wouldn't be hungry for at least a week and that I wouldn't be able to eat any solid foods and guess what...it's not true. I started my stage 2 diet and already feel as though I have eaten too much...not too much for my stomach but too much if I want to lose weight...which I haven't lost anything yet. I am so sad. I don't think this is going to help at all....Were any of you starving so badly that you felt sick to your stomach and faint? To tell the truth I started on pureed soup and protein drinks 3 days after my surgery because I was so hungry.
What you are experiencing is normal. While I didn’t feel any hunger after the operation (still happens today), many folks do. There is no guarantee who will and won’t.
In order to feel full, you need to meet your protein needs (60 to 80 grams per day) AND drink your 64 ounces of non-caffeinated/non-carbonated/sugar free liquids.
I would strongly advise not to advance to the next stages before you’re supposed to. These guidelines were set up for a reason. Plus by not adhering to the “rules", you are falling into ‘bad habits’, and could be setting yourself up for unfavorable results.
Know we’re here to help you get along these “bumps in the road" on your weight lost journey.
Good luck
Good Luck on your Journey !!
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Everything is new to you. You should fine as long as you follow your doctors order. I was not released to pureed foods until the 10th day after my surgery. I lost 9lbs. the first week and 3 weeks out I have lost a total of 20lbs. I wasnt hungry and I'm still having problems eating 4 oz. at one meal. I also have not had a fill yet. No, I didnt get sick or felt starved.
It will get easier for you.
We are all here to support you.
It will get easier for you.

I'll tell you right now to be patient. It took me almost 3 full months to really heal up, get used to small meals, high protein, low carbs, and eating 4, 5, & 6 times a day. You can't wait for restriction with the fills because it may be a long way off. You have to dig your heals in and make up your mind that you are going to follow the rules and change your life for good. You can't worry about what you are missing or anything else.
I have a band slip and I have been virtually unfilled for almost 2 months and preparing for another surgery on Tuesday. You are in this to win it, so get down to business. I wish you well in your journey.
I have a band slip and I have been virtually unfilled for almost 2 months and preparing for another surgery on Tuesday. You are in this to win it, so get down to business. I wish you well in your journey.
I was SOOO hungry after about my 3rd or 4th day. But it only lasted for a couple of days. I just dealt with it and kept on drinking chicken broth or a protein shake or some strained cream soup. Whatever I was allowed to have. I was on clear liquids for 3 days and am still on full liquids. (Mushy food on MONDAY! Yay!) I think that some of my pain that I thought was hunger pain... maybe wasn't. Well, I don't really know. All of the pain I had was in my stomach area... gas and everything, so I couldn't tell for a while if I was hungry or full or hurting or what. But now that all the pain is gone, I can tell when I'm hungry. I am with everyone else on not jumping ahead of your food plan that you're supposed to be on. I was on liquids for 4 days before surgery... so I've been on liquids for over 2 weeks now. It's been hard, but worth it. And it's really helped my will power I think. I HOPE that it will help once I get to start eating. Just take it one day at at time. Make sure to get in your water and protein, like someone else said... if you're hungry... drink some more chicken broth or eat some jello! It will get better once you get used to it.
Good luck... I hope it gets better for you!! But don't ru****! You've put yourself through all of this... why do something that might mess it up so soon? That's how I'm looking at it whenever I feel like I want to eat something!
Missy B
Good luck... I hope it gets better for you!! But don't ru****! You've put yourself through all of this... why do something that might mess it up so soon? That's how I'm looking at it whenever I feel like I want to eat something!
Missy B
So you are currently on mushies? If you are THAT hungry, I would limit the amount you are eating at one sitting and add more 'meals' through the day. Try to stay higher protien and lower carb/sugar...maybe that will help...just a suggestion.
As the other posters stated, you really need to try to stick to the rules as closely as possible. I KNOW it is hard and it will be a hard road until you reach restriction. I just reached good restriction this week and struggled very much until now. Looking back now, Im glad it was slower, because it has helped train me. I didnt go from eating a whole medium pizza by myself to eating 3-4 bites of something and full. At this point, I can honestly say I think that would have thrown me into an emotional food frenzy! LOL
Buckle down and hold on for the ride. It will take some time to get things going...just remember why you chose this particular surgery (believe me, I have doubted myself many times since my surgery) but it WILL kick in!
Good luck to you.
As the other posters stated, you really need to try to stick to the rules as closely as possible. I KNOW it is hard and it will be a hard road until you reach restriction. I just reached good restriction this week and struggled very much until now. Looking back now, Im glad it was slower, because it has helped train me. I didnt go from eating a whole medium pizza by myself to eating 3-4 bites of something and full. At this point, I can honestly say I think that would have thrown me into an emotional food frenzy! LOL
Buckle down and hold on for the ride. It will take some time to get things going...just remember why you chose this particular surgery (believe me, I have doubted myself many times since my surgery) but it WILL kick in!
Good luck to you.
I wanted to reply because like you , I couldn't eat or drink much at all to the point I was sure I was dehydrated and starving. I didn't lose a pound until my 4th week,then I have steadily and slowly been losing since. Right now, I can eat more on some days than others and am hungrier some days and not others. I had to move up my program because I ,too, was mentally hungry and had myself convinced I was going to die if I didn't eat more. The more time that goes on, the more I see that I don't want the extra food. If I eat a small breakfast, I truly am not hungry until about 1 or 2pm if not later. I actually have to make myself remember to eat and drink and I know that sounds insane but it's true.