
banded on tues and having issues

on 6/15/09 7:13 am - AL
I had the same problem, think it might be the antibiotics...also ended up with a BAD case of yeast!  I had to call the doctor's office and beg for help, that is how bad I was suffering!  But all is well now....lack two pounds of having 30 lbs off...my surgery was the 18th of May, I was on liquids two weeks prior to the surgery...so this makes 7weeks altogther.   
Hope the issue has been put in control.  Wish you the best of success in your weight loss journey.  Farmgirl58
on 6/15/09 7:22 am - Grand Bay, AL
I had it the 1st couple of days after surgery and then went regular.  I hear it can be caused by the barium you drink when you do the upper GI.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.?  - Henry Ford
Height-5'10 Heaviest-335 Weight at surgery-315 Goal 199 

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