
I have been REALIZED!!

on 6/7/09 10:20 am
I had my surgery at 7:30 Friday morning, and was back at home by 11am.

My doctor repaired a small hernia -- and said that the surgery was very easy for him -- no surprises.

I feel good --- been walking and working on drinking protein -- have very little interest in food right now --- but I am sure my appetite will return soon.

on 6/7/09 10:27 am
Yea! My doc also does his outpatient as well I cant wait......So happy everything went well...You rest and take it easy!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step  Lao-tzu
on 6/7/09 11:08 am

So glad to hear your surgery went well.  I had mine May 20th and am feeling much better.  My appetite has returned some but there are days when I am not interested in food.  I am trying to find a routine right now on how to balance protein, liquids, and food.  Some days I feel a little overwhelmed trying to keep up with all of it but most days are smooth.  You are going to do great.  I have been losing weight since the surgery and just a little has made me feel so much better.  Congratulations on starting your journey, Poodledoo
My Ticker
Rhonda Burkhart
on 6/7/09 12:10 pm
Congratulations!  I am so glad all went well.  I scheduled soon and hope mine goes smoothly also.  I get so excited when I hear that others are doing good. 
Rachel DiLo
on 6/7/09 2:21 pm
thats fantastic. i am thrilled for you! i hope everything continues to go smooth and you are able to accomplish all you want and more.

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

on 6/7/09 11:33 pm
That is great ! I will be banded on the 25th and I hope my surgery will go as well. It will be interesting to compare experiences and I hope they will all be good! Thanks for sharing.  
on 6/7/09 11:52 pm - Milford, NJ
Congrats Kath...glad everything went well!!! You're only 2 weeks behind me!!! Soo glad to have you on the losers bench!!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

(deactivated member)
on 6/8/09 1:29 am - Farmervile, LA

Congratulations! Sounds like you are doing very well already! I wish you great success. You're only three weeks behind me and I can already tell a big difference in myself, so I hope the same goes for you!

on 6/8/09 2:07 am
Glad you home and doing well. Take care:) Topaz11
on 6/8/09 7:42 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
Glad to hear that your surgery went so well.  I was banded exactly one month before you and things have really gone smoothly for me so far.  You seem so positive and motivated!  I'm looking forward to sharing support and success stories here with you in the future.


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