
What to eat???

Ashley A.
on 6/4/09 3:25 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Hello Everyone,

I'm 6 months out, I'm currently down 70 lbs..I have 9 cc's in my band and I would consider this to be optimal restriction however the past few weeks I have noticed I have been bouncing up and down with my weight..I was hoping if someone could tell me what I should be eating. I went to a dietician and she gave me some bandster tips but she didn't really give me a breakdown like a diet plan of what I should be eating. I was hoping someone could give me some type of an advice of what I should eat on a daily basis. I had posted what I typically eat on a previous post and a few people said they are mostly slider foods. Any advice or suggestions would be great. Thank you all for your time.

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 6/4/09 4:08 am
hey there,   I usually  have 2  to 3 servings of  v8 vegetable juice, 3 to 4 servings of fruit, and fish and chicken for my meats everyday. I also have a small bowl of raisen bran at night. I stay away from  red meat because its high in calories compared to chicken and fish. I usaully add 1 protein shake if i didnt reach my 60 grams of protein  each day.  I watch my calories really close, there never more than 1200 calories per day. I also exercise 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day. Im  down 83 pounds in the last 6 months.Once in a while my wife and i will go out to dinner and I treat myself to what ever i want,but only accasionally. On the day we go out I exercise on the tread mill for about 2 hrs. so i can burn the extra calories from oing out. anyway i hope this helps you and i wish you the best of luck on your weight loss.                              Frank
on 6/4/09 4:08 am - Nashville, NC
I don't have any advice for what you should eat but I must say, being 6 months out I think you are doing great.
"No weapon formed against me shall prosper... it won't work"

on 6/4/09 4:26 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
I find I have to write down everything I eat - if I don't keep track of exactly what I eat I tend to underestimate how many calories I've eaten and over estimate how many grams of protein.  My dr has me eating 1000 calories a day and 60-70 g of protein with nothing that has more than 16 g of sugar per serving.  I use mydailyplate.com to compute and keep track for me.  They seem to have a gazillion items by brand and if they don't you can copy the info off the label of what you ate and add it to their items so others can use it too.  I've found it to be a cool site.  Hope this helps   Also at the Back On Track Together group site, participants post what they plan to eat each day.  You might go there and get some ideas.  Many caneat more calories per day than I do and lose - you may well to eat more too

Good luck with finding the help you want
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