
Drumroll please.........

on 6/4/09 1:32 am - Milford, NJ
Well just got back from my first post op appt with Dr. Abkin. I just have to say I love this man!!!! He's wonderful, informative and very funny!! Had a few questions and he answered all of them with a valid explanation!!!

He removed my last Steri Strip and said everything was healing wonderfully. I'm not able to move onto to mushie foods and if all is ok  than in two weeks I can start solids. I will see him in 6 weeks for a follow-up.

Tommy and I went out to breakfast to celebrate and I had a Cheddar Cheese Omelette, I ate half of it and I was FULL!!!! I was sooo happy and amazed!!! I chewed, chewed, chewed and waited in between bites. No drinking during eating and set the alarm on my phone to let me know when 30 mins was up so I could drink again!!!

Oh...I almost forgot....my Blood Pressure was awesome!!!!

One more thing......I LOST 12 FREAKIN POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am beyond estatic! I can't stop smiling!!!! Did ya think I'd forget to tell you all that most important fact?! Nooooooo, I was just playin!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 6/4/09 4:04 am - Nashville, NC
Great! I am smilling for you. Continue to do what you are doing.
"No weapon formed against me shall prosper... it won't work"

on 6/4/09 5:07 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks so much and good luck to you!!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 6/4/09 4:57 am - Florham Park, NJ

Congratulations on your weightloss, Kimi!!!

You go girl!

on 6/4/09 5:14 am - Milford, NJ
Thanks so much!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 6/4/09 7:03 am - AL
Congratulations on your successful loss....I too just had the Realize band surgery on the 18th of May...went back to the doctor two weeks later and so far have lost close to 25lbs....I was put on liquids two weeks before the surgery, clear liquids three days before and three days after, then went on full liquids for two weeks.  I am on pureed foods this week and next week can start eating reg. foods.   I go back to see the doc again on the 19th, and hope to have 5 more pounds off. 
Keep up the good work, and be patient, we bandsters lose it slower than the othr WLS folks.
on 6/4/09 7:45 am
Hi all,

Congrats to all of you. I was banded on the 26th. It's been a week today and I'm still a little sore. I've had back issues in the past so it doesn't help having a backache too. I went on my at home scale today and have lot 8 lbs. since last Thursday. I went to a support group meeting last night in Providence RI and it was fabulous hearing stories and how others have succeeded. Today for the first time I was thinking about eating...I don't know why because my stomach wasn't hungry but I need to get my head on the same page. Last night at the meeting they told us to remember "we had surgery on our stomach, not on our heads." It's one step at a time. Good luck to all.




on 6/4/09 11:46 pm - Milford, NJ
Linda that's awesome!!!! So happy for you!!! I can't wait to go to my first support meeting since being banded...I've gone to them pre-op and just listened.....

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 6/6/09 1:40 pm - AL
Hi everyone, congrats to all of you with your weight loss.  It sure does feel good to be losing, and not feel stressed out about it, like with other diets and weight loss programs....
I wish I had a support group that was close by....the closest one to me is about an hour and 20 min. away....there used to be a gastric bypass support group, but they disbanded.  If I could find out if there were several other banded people in my area, we could start our own group....still working on finding them.
Anyway...one thing I suggest if someone needs help in keeping tract of what they are taking in...I started the food diary on the Realize Success web site....it is amazing how many calories we take in....makes one  not  want to eat at all...but unless one does not like food, can't see that ever happening. 
Anyway, congrats to the great success....keep up the good work.  Famgirl58
on 6/4/09 11:45 pm, edited 6/4/09 11:45 pm - Milford, NJ
Farmgirl....Congrats to you too!!!! I'm in no rush to lose it...it took me 40 years to put it on, so I'm just taking one day at a time!!!!

I did clear liquids the day before surgery and then clears for 3 days after than full liquids until my two week appt. Now I'm on soft foods and then in two weeks I'll go to all foods!!!

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

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