
I have been Realized!!!

on 6/1/09 9:54 pm - Nashville, TN
 I had my band put in yesterday! I'm doing pretty good. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be... surgery wise. Much less pain than I was anticipating. So I am very thankful for that!

Has anyone else had this issue...? Ever since I woke up and they started making me drink, every sip that I take, I can feel go all the way down to my stomach and when it hits my stomach... it hurts! Yesterday it was hurting so bad and would hurt all the way across my abdomen for a few seconds after I drank something. Today it seems to be a LITTLE better, and it just my stomach itself that hurts for a few seconds. When I told the nurse that at the hospital, she looked at me like I was crazy. So, I just wondered if anyone had anything similar? And, I kept burping... maybe because of the gas? And it would hurt so bad every time I did! It wasn't a lot of burping... but it did happen several times and hurt pretty bad each time! I'm hoping that once the gas subsides and the pain starts to get a little better, some of these things will go away as well? I hope so anyway! 


Missy B

Started my new life on June 1, 2009. And I can't wait to see the new me!
I Started a Blog: www.missybeeblog.wordpress.com

on 6/3/09 4:00 am, edited 6/3/09 4:00 am - IL
yes that is normal...i feel stuf go down still..but now i have restriction....just listen to your doc and to your body.....you do no**** stuck pain...it is god awfull! take it slow,sip sip sip, do not guzzle...it is painfull, hiccups and burps are like soft stops......that is why i say listen to your body!
welcome to the bench...you'll do great!
on 6/3/09 8:16 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
I did a lot of burping right after my surgery, and I'm so glad to say that it eventually stops.  It really worried me at first.  I thought it was going to be an ongoing effect of being banded that nobody told me about!  Thankfully, I'm back to my normal "ladylike" ways.

Hope the pain is getting better for you.  I didn't experience what you are going through with that so I can't be much help.  Don't hesitate to call your doctor, though. 


on 6/3/09 8:49 am - Denver, CO
Hi Missy!


I hope you are doing better today.  Take care of you!!



on 6/3/09 3:00 pm - Nashville, TN
 Thanks so much! I have been burping a lot... and it HURTS! But, I'm hoping that it's just my body getting rid of some of the gas? I hope so... I want that gas GONE! 

Today was a weird day. I felt better than I did yesterday, but yet I felt worse in some ways. And everything just kind of felt really tight a lot. I tried to eat some Jello and it took me about 2 hours to get the whole little cup down. Bu****er and things went down fine. I'm not having problems keeping things down, thank goodness! I think it's just my body adjusting. I haven't had any pain or anything that really has me worried and even though my incisions look crazy with my staples and are kind of scary looking... I think they look ok too. So, hopefully everything is going according to the way it should! I really think once the gas is gone I'll be a different person! 

My friend Brandy had her surgery today and they ended up admitting her because she kept throwing up... so please say a little prayer for her!

Thanks again!

Missy B
Started my new life on June 1, 2009. And I can't wait to see the new me!
I Started a Blog: www.missybeeblog.wordpress.com

on 6/3/09 9:05 pm - Denver, CO
Hi Missy!

Sending out good vibes your friends way by way of the Goddess/Universe.

I am glad to read that you are doing better! It will get better, huh! 
Was your gall bladder surgery laparascopic as well?  Mine was..in and out and cool little scars, less than an inch under my right breast.  My bullet holes! 

SO! Sending out good vibes and hopefully you are sleeping well, too!! 
I have an hour left to go over my 12 hour overnight and am really wanting to sleep.



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