
Weight Gain Normal?

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/09 10:32 pm - Farmervile, LA
Is weight gain normal when transitioning from the liquid diet to the mushy diet? My doctor had me to do a two week full liquid diet, and I lost 19.4 pounds in the first two weeks. Within two days of beginning my mushy diet, I've already gained  2.6 pounds back! What is going on?! I'm not supposed to see the scales go back up! I know I'm not overeating, because I can't even eat the required amount in the plan my doctor gave me. In the past two days, I've eaten 1 plain scrambled egg and 4oz of cottage cheese for breakfast, 4oz of tuna and about 2oz of green beans for lunch, a snack of jello in the afternoon, and 4oz of baked tilapia for dinner. I'm also drinking my 8 cups of water daily. Can someone please give me some insight?!
Tom C.
on 6/2/09 12:52 am, edited 6/2/09 12:53 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Don't be too concerned .. but keep and eye out.

First of all, how often do you weigh yourself. I for one believe you should stay off the scale, but if you need it. Try to weigh yourself the same time every day. You'll see your weight will fluctuate with the time of day too. One day I was 3 pounds heavier at the end of the day then when I started. Of course, because I weighed myself first thing in the morning and had NO food in my system.

Secondly, you need to eat in order to lose weight. You must get your recommend allotment of protein in daily. If not, your body is a marvelous machine, and will start to go into "starvation mode" and "protect itself" by storing food. It doesn't realize it's surrounded by food.

Thirdly - hate to be personal (and hate to bring it up) .. but could your friend being dropping by soon? I hear that causes women to gain - but of course it goes away when your friend leaves.

Also make sure you are using fat-free or low-fat foods/condiments.

If it continues, call your Doctor.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/2/09 11:40 pm - Farmervile, LA
I'm only weighing once a week, and I make sure to do it first thing in the morning before I drink or eat anything. I am worried that I'm not eating enough, but I'm following my doctor's diet plan EXACTLY, so I don't think that's the problem either. I worried about the starvation mode thing, but surely his plan would not let that happen. My exact daily diet is:

6AM- 4oz tea with vitamins
7AM- 1 plain egg and 4oz fat free cottage cheese
12PM- 4oz tuna (made with egg and fat free mayo) and 4oz green beans
3PM- 4oz jello
6PM- 4oz baked fish and 4oz sweet peas

I'm also drinking 8oz of water each hour, in between food, no more than 30 minutes before eating, and no more than one hour after eating. I don't put ANYTHING else in my mouth all day long.

This is so frustrating!!!
Tom C.
on 6/3/09 1:24 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
What you're eating seems fine. I roughly calculated about 90 grams of protein, which is fine.

I would suggest talking to your Doctor and seeing what's up.

Just because I am curious: I am surprised your Doctor doesn't suggest Protein drinks. While I can see you're "eating" the recommended about of protein, many other Doctors reduce the food amount in the beginning and opt for Protein drink. Basically you're having "some sort of protein" every 3 hours:


6:00 Breakfast

9:00 Protein drink

12:00 Lunch

3:00 Protein drink

6:00 Dinner

Some folks (especially body builders) believe this help keep your metabolism active and you lose weight quicker.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/3/09 2:27 am - Farmervile, LA
I've wondered about the protein intake. I researched and found that you should roughly consume 37% of your body weight in grams of proteins daily. When I talked to my nutritionist, though, she said that was way too much for me at this point. She suggested getting a minimum of 60 grams of protein per day, which is about half of what my 37% would be. I'm thinking of adding a protein drink around 9:00 AM each day, just to see if that would make a difference. That would be much closer to my 37%. I'm gonna try to get ahold of the nutritionist today and ask again.

As far as the actual weight gain, I am just hoping and praying that it has to do with me switching from liquids to more solid foods, which weigh more, and therefore, cause me to weigh more! LOL
Tom C.
on 6/3/09 3:05 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

As my warning states - make sure you talk to either your Nutritionist and/or Doctor FIRST before making any diet changes - especially adding more protein in.

Sorry to be a harper - but mentioned speaking to your nutritionist, but have you spoken to your Doctor? Sometimes Doctor's views are different then from the Nutritionists - especially if the Nutritionists is not affiliated with your Doctor's office. Quick case in point: A Nutritionists that leads one of the support groups I attend said not to add "tomato soup" to chicken because tomato soup acts like a liquid when heated. Well I used tomato soup to "moisten" my chicken. When I asked my Doctor about this, he said - as long as I am adding a "bit" of tomato soup to moisten the chicken it's fine. However if I was using tomato soup like a meal, then it would be considered more of a liquid and could affect how "full I feel". - So you see, different views.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 6/3/09 4:14 am - Farmervile, LA
You're not a harper at all, you're being very helpful! Thank you for that! Actually speaking to the doctor requires an act of congress and a dna sample , but I can reach the nutrionist fairly easily. The way my doctor's office is set up, he has his own nurse practitioner, nutritionist and exercise therapist that I see each time I go, so I just talk to them if I need something. But I will take your advice and ask about adding more protein to possibly boost metabolism, before just adding it. I have followed every suggestion of theirs to a "T" because I am scared to death of doing something wrong. I have an appointment in a little over a week, so I might just leave things alone until then and ask at my appointment, because then I'll get to see everyone, including my doctor. Thank you for all of your help. I love OH!
on 6/3/09 8:37 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
I can tell you that two weeks after surgery when I started eating the soft diet, my scale didn't do much other than go up and down that whole week.  But after week three, when I started exercising, the weight loss really started back up again. 

I think adding more fiber to my diet helped, too.  I added some high fiber toast and more veggies when I was able to eat a little more.

Your weight loss so far and the diet you are following sound just right to me.


on 6/4/09 2:17 am
hey there,   talk to your docter and nutritionist.  that couple pounds you gained may very well have been water weight.Stick to your guns, keep your calories around 1200 a day if you can and try to get an hour of exercise every day. I think soon you will see the weight come off. good luck                         frank
on 6/4/09 3:28 pm
YES weight gain is normal... Don't freak!!! 

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