
On My Way to Being Realized!!!!

on 6/1/09 4:37 am - Denver, CO
Hi All;

I have my appt. with Dr. Snyder here in Denver on 8 July, so I am getting all of my consult appointments taken care of beforehand so that I have a complete file when I meet with him.

ON that note, I had my Pulmonary tests done this morning and I am even heavier than I thought and I lost a 1/2 inch in HEIGHT!! How does that happen!!?
I had breathing tests, an EKG, which was excellent and then the walking test.
I wrote about it in my blog. I was disappointed in myself because I could hardly fini****  IN fact, because my back was really hurting me, I had to sit during the walk.  YEA! 

I know that getting the Realize band will help all this; I just want it now!!! ;) 

SO Now my weight is higher (only by like 3lbs) But my BMI is now 53.7!!! 

I am seeing the Pulmonary doc on Wednesday a.m. to go over the tests and then have my Cardio consult on 9 June.  

SO! I am on my way and know that this is a good thing, that I need these tests for a reason and now, I am going to take a nap!  And, thanks for reading:) 



on 6/1/09 9:10 am
Hi Megan -- congratulations on starting your journey.

If I could make 1 recommendation, it would be to 'plug in' to any local Support Groups in your area.

The face to face contact with people who are in all stages of the process has been so very helpful to me.

Best of luck to you!

on 6/2/09 1:02 am - Denver, CO

I was looking through my paperwork from the seminar and found so many Support Groups!! I was thinking about joining one now, before surgery but not sure about that! So I think I will wait!

Thanks so much for your post.  I want this to work and I know support is key!



on 6/1/09 9:57 pm - Nashville, TN
 Good Luck Megan!!

I just had my band put in yesterday... so I can't give you much advice as of yet. But I can tell you that the surgery wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I had my gallbladder out last year and compared to that... this is a walk in the park. I was sitting downstairs with my family last night and they were all like, "Wait a minute... did you really have surgery today? You don't even seem like it!" Obviously it will be worse and better for each person, but I had built it up to be as bad as my gallbladder and then was surprised when I woke up and it was no where near that pain. Don't get me wrong, it still hurts... but it's manageable. Good luck to you in your journey and I know you will be over here on the other side with us soon!!

Missy B
Started my new life on June 1, 2009. And I can't wait to see the new me!
I Started a Blog: www.missybeeblog.wordpress.com

on 6/2/09 12:59 am - Denver, CO
Thanks for replying!!

My gall bladder surgery was a cake walk!! I had it on Tuesday, was home by 6pm and I usually work Wednesday overnights and I could have gone into work!
I had hardly any pain, really.  I have a high threshold anyway and I came out of the anesthesia pretty quickly!

I am excited; I have no doubt that my insurance will approve this quickly (yea, I called them again and had them note the new weight and BMI!!).

That is awesome about your surgery Missy!! YAY!! I CAN'T WAIT!! 

I want to join you both on the loser's bench!! 

I see the pulmonary doc tomorrow to go over the tests I did yesterday.
YIKES! BUT At least we know that this surgery is needed, right?! 

OK GALS! I will write more later and thank you for your posts!!



on 6/2/09 8:42 am - Nashville, TN
 Good Luck! I hope they approve it quickly for you!! If your gallbladder was easy... then this should be really easy for you! Because my gallbladder was HORRIBLE. I couldn't move for 3 or 4 days it hurt so bad. I guess I don't have a very high pain tolerance though! But compared to that, this was easy! So you should do great! Best of luck to you!!

Missy B
Started my new life on June 1, 2009. And I can't wait to see the new me!
I Started a Blog: www.missybeeblog.wordpress.com

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