
Questions about liquids with food?

on 5/31/09 12:29 pm
I have a question... I wonder is it hard to not drink anything while you eat?  I always have a glass of tea or water with my meals.  I thought I would try it tonight without anything to drink with my meal...seems like the food didn't go down as well.  I know you don't want your food to go through your pouch, it makes sense..was this hard for you?

I am pre-op by the way..
on 5/31/09 1:13 pm
Robin --
I think that that is going to be the hardest change for me -- at least initially.

I have been eating small bites, and doing the 'chew until its goo'  thing, but it is still hard for me to not have liquid while I am eating.

I guess it is just something we are going to have to adjust to -- don't even bring your glass to the table, I guess.


on 6/2/09 11:19 am
If you're going to get banded, it's something you'll have to learn to do without.  I started before I was banded.  It was hard because I grew up with eating a couple of bites and washing it down.  I'm use to it now and it's not that bad.  When we go out, I still order a glass of water, but rarely drink any of it.  If I do, it's just a sip out of boredom while waiting for my meal.  You can do it if you want it bad enough!  To me, losing weight is more important to me than drinking with my meals.  I do, however, make a mental note of when I get done eating and I'm sure to start drinking an hour later.  Got to get my water in!
on 6/2/09 2:57 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I had trouble and still  do with food getting stuck, especially chicken breast. I started compomising and eating softer easier to eat foods and then had trouble losing the weight. Do not give up and go for the slider food!!! Its is ok to add a little salsa, or mayo to moisten the food though. Start practising now before you  get the band if you can. Good luck Smyley Face
                  NEVER TOO LATE TO BEE HAPPY!!!!            
on 6/4/09 4:19 am
hey there, im 6 months out and i always drink water or suger free lemonade when i eat. it helps to keep food from getting stuck. I eat 4 times a day and even though i drink with my meals I dont get hungry between meals. so drinking doesnt have any affect on my weight loss.
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