
Pre-Op Jitters... is this normal?

on 5/26/09 5:50 am
Welp... my surgery is scheduled for June 8th. I'm currently in the second day of my 2-week liquid diet, and really hating life... LOL (okay, I'm kidding... so far, it hasn't been *too* bad, aside from having to pee all the damn time)...

Part of me (like 90%) is EXTREMELY excited. I cannot wait to start getting healthier.... and my shallow side can't wait to get back into *normal* sized clothing. (Someone my height, 5', should NOT be shopping in the "Plus Size" section.... sigh)

But there's a small part of me (the other 10%) that is starting to get really nervous. Even though my surgeon told me that I'm a prime candidate for the surgery (young & in good health), surgery is still a BIG deal. My surgeon has had phenomenal success rates with his patients.... never had any serious complications other than one lady whose band slipped because she didn't follow his orders and got pregnant a few months post-op.

I have been working towards this for just over a year now. I've attended multiple seminars, support groups, classes, etc. And have had consultations with 4 or 5 different surgeons. I chose the one I felt the most comfortable with... and am very confident in my decision. I have read numerous books, have been seeing a dietician and psychologist regularly.... I've done EVERYTHING I can to get ready for this surgery.

However.... I'm still nervous. What if I'm making the wrong decision? What if I get the band and I don't lose weight.... and I stay on the fast-track to serious health issues? I don't want to end up like my diabetic amputee father... or my diabetic grandfather who died from heart & lung failure. I don't want to start a family unless I know for sure that I can keep up with my kids. I don't want their experiences in life to be limited because I'm too big/unhealthy to take them camping, hiking, etc.

I just.... I don't know. I'm getting cold feet. Is this normal? :(

Thanks for listening to my ramble.
on 5/26/09 11:19 am, edited 5/27/09 3:15 am
I became more scared the closer the surgery came.  I was REALLY nervous the day of the surgery, until they gave me drugs to mellow me out, the next thing I knew it was over.  It is totally normal to be nervous or even plain old scared.  Souonds like you know why you are doing this so I'd say you are in good shape, just hang in there. :)

on 5/26/09 11:23 am - hopatcong, NJ
same wya i felt just over a month ago before my surgery,,, now i wouldnt change it for the world!
on 5/26/09 12:05 pm
hey there , its probably normal to be a little nervous. dont fret it though, this surgury is a piece of cake. It only takes about an hour,when i woke up 3 hours later they said get dressed and go home.hell you can go back to work after a week. they do give you a ten pound weight limit only when you lift for a month. you know i couldnt wait to get my surgury. I suffered from diabetes type 2, high blood pressure ,and high cholesteral. After 6 months and losing 80 lbs. I have been able to come off ALL my medications ,wow no more health problems. This was the best decision that i ever made. Keep your chin up you can do this
on 5/26/09 1:20 pm
Thank you so much for all of the kind words... I really appreciate it!!! :)
on 5/27/09 11:59 pm - Thurmont, MD
I am scheduled for next Tuesday and I am really getting nervous too!!! It's just the thought of being put under for surgery and the lifestyle changes that come right after, so I can sympathize, but I would not change this decision for anything. It's also taken me almost a year, I started in August, 2008. I didn't have to do the 2 week diet pre-op, but I have modified a lot and have dropped 9 lbs as of this morning, so I am super psyched about that. Keep us updated on your progress! Good luck to you!
on 5/28/09 3:22 am
Woohoo!! Tuesday is coming up quick! :) I'm excited for you!

I'm finally starting to calm down a little.... I just seem to have a lot on my plate lately, and periodically start to feel overwhelmed by it all.

I'm on Day 4 of my diet, and surprisingly it's not too bad at all. According to the dietician, my body is going into ketosis.... which kind of sucks because I'm extra tired and have headaches..... but my appetite is pretty much non-existant- which is nice since I can't eat solid food, LOL!

Only 11 more days! :)
on 5/28/09 8:05 am
My surgery is June 9th so we'll be there together.  I'm nervous and excited too.  It is going to be new life for us though! I'll keep you in my prayers and before you know it, it'll be over.  I haven't gone into ketosis though and today I feel really weak and I want to eat.  I hope to talk to you soon.
James M.
on 5/28/09 9:57 am - SAGINAW, MN
I just got my surgery on may 27,I was very excited right up to the morning  of surgery when I got this huge sense of saddness and loss (for my beloved food) I am not the sensitive type and I actually cried! but that left me completely when I woke up from surgery so far I feel fantastic and  KNOW  I did the right thing I do feel like I have been given a second chance on life, good luck and you are doing the right thing!


on 5/30/09 1:37 pm
Well, my pre-op jitters have officially turned into the pre-op *****ies.

I don't know why, but I have been in a really foul mood lately. Little things which normally would not bother me in the slightest... are ******g me off. I normally don't have much of a temper... but I've been so dang cranky these past few days.

I'm not sure if it has to do with the pre-op diet.... or what. My blood pressure has been all over the map since I started the diet 5 days ago..... I made the mistake of drinking broth one night, and the sodium put my blood pressure through the roof. I'm sure my blood sugar is out of whack as well (I haven't tested it, I don't have the stuff to do it).

I just hate feeling like crap all the time. I REALLY hope that this is only temporary. Otherwise, I might have to become a hermit. Nobody should have to put up with me when I'm this cranky..... I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is a saint!!! LOL :)
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