
Total metldown over the holiday weekend.

on 5/26/09 2:30 am
I went into a deeper depression over the weekend.  I ate tons of food and a lot of really sugary stuff like candy and ice cream.  This was my first major breakdown since the surgery.  I have an appointment with my PCP today, I'm going to ask that I be put back on antidepressants.  I've really gotten into a bad place, emotionally.

I feel like an idiot for eating all of that crap but I know why I did it so that helps a little.  I simply couldn't control myself I was so depressed.  I'm also going to ask for an MRI on my back and hip, the pain is getting to be to much to take, something is wrong and needs to get fixed.

Well I hope everything is going well for everyone else, I just needed to vent a little.

on 5/26/09 2:56 am
How very cool that you know yourself well enough to call and make that dr's appt!!!  So many people who struggle with depression also struggle with  picking up that phone and making an appt.

I've decided I'll be on SSRIs for the rest of my life, and I'm okay with that.  I take Celexa (and change occasionally when the drugs begin to lose their efficacy).  I'm sure it increases my appetite, but I'd rather be hungry and emotionally stable than binging and sad,  you know?

And if this is the first time you went off course since your surgery, you're doing better than 90% of bandsters!  Don't beat yourself up.  We all do this.  The band will get you back on course, as will the meds.  Every time you triumph over a setback like this, you get stronger.  You realize that setbacks won't win this game.  You will!
on 5/26/09 3:43 am
One weekend comeon! I got discouraged and gave up from sept to march and gained 20 lbs.  I went back to the doc and got a fill and finally found the sweet spot.  Lost the 20 and 5 more and hope to continue.  Do not beat yourself up.  See the doc, get a fill, Try to replace the bad food with the good.  If I eat right then try to eat crap I either can't eat much of the bad stuff or I loose interest.  You may not be at your sweet spot yet or it changed.  Keep trying DO NOT GIVE UP.  Your back and hip sounds like a nerve problem.  I have to get sterods injected to be able to work out.  We are all behind you. Good luck
on 5/26/09 11:23 am

Well I'm now on Cymbalta, happy pills, and I'm being scheduled for an MRI on my back and hip.  The doc seems to think there is definately something wrong there so hopefully they can fix it and I can stop being in constant pain.

Getting back on track with the diet today, went and bought more food.  Mainly meat. 

Thx for the suppor

Tom C.
on 5/26/09 10:00 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I am not gonna downplay your feelings. I am glad to see you KNOW you have a PROBLEM - but better yet, You have a PLAN how to CORRECT it !!

Just remember, during this journey we ALL will stumble and fall once in a while. What we do when we fail is what really is important !! We need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue down the successful road. Sometime we will need additional help, and that is fine too. Anything that keeps us on track !!

Also remember, NORMAL (skinny) people do the same exact thing as you (we) do. The only thing with them, they don't let it consume them (no pun intended). It's OK to be bad - but only for a day or two - just make sure you don't extended the bad into days/week/months/years.

Know I am here to help you if needed.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/27/09 3:03 am
Thanks a bunch Tom. :)
on 5/27/09 8:49 am
hey scott,   if your on cymbalta make sure you docter checks your liver every few months. i was on cymbalta about a year and a half ago . I had to come of it because it was messing up my liver. that is one of the side affects of it. I changed  to wellbutrin and feel fantastic   And hey we all break down once in a while and go wild eating junk, dont worry about it once in a while.good luck.
on 5/27/09 8:59 am
Good to know, thanks for the info. :)
on 5/27/09 2:56 am - Chatham, NJ
Hi Scott,

Was there something specific that triggered the depression?  Is there anything you can do about that specific trigger?

Someone close to me has recently been diagnosed with depression and is also taking medication.  I am trying to learn more about it so that I can help her as best I can.  Out of curiosity, does taking the medication actually help if the trigger is still there?

Wishing you all the best.

on 5/27/09 3:12 am
Hmm well, I've been slowly getting worse for some time now.  It has recently rained here everyday for about 5 or 6 days and it ruined some plans I had for the weekend.  Things just build up and eventually become too much and I broke down.

The thing about depression is has different impacts on each person so I wouldn't want to tell you something thay may not apply to your friend.  I don't think there are real tirggers, just a gradual build up of pressure.  Plus when you are depressed everything looks bad, stuff most people wouldn't even notice becomes a big deal.

I can tell that when I was on pills for this before it made a huge difference in my life.  I became a "normal" person.  My obsessing over things stopped and a lot of physical pain I was having went away which was nice.  Basically I was able to stop worrying about everything and just get on with my life.  I'm hoping to have similar results this time.
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