

on 5/23/09 9:19 am - AL
Hello Everyone, today is a bad day, the entire week has been somewhat bad weather wise.  I had my surgery done on the 18th, and am feeling fantastic, but today I feel shut in and no one to talk with!  It has been raining cats and dogs all day...I am looking to see NOAH"a ARK come floating down the road! LOL
I have things I can do, crafts to work on, but just don't have the UMPF>>> to do them.  I have called everyone I can think of, some friends are not home, but others listened while I ranted and raved about this and that and a whole lot of nothing!
I feel like I want to pig out, but yet I know better.  Have been good about getting my fluids in, am on full liquids right now for another week. But keep thinking about how good popcorn would taste right now!  I know I cannot have it, as it would make my tummy hurt...I do not want to hurt, or be in agony, especially since I live by myself. Being an emotional eater is tough at times.
I guess  I just want to reach out and touch someone who understands.  I do hope this rain will go away by tomorrow, but it does not look like it.  I am not suppose to drive, but might have to take a trip to Walmart just to be around people tomorrow.
Again, thanks for listening, that is what we are all here for, Support!
Hope everyone is having a good day and a great tomorrow.  Farmgirl58
on 5/23/09 9:58 am
I'm totally with with, rainy and crappy and looks to stay that way.  I had this nice trip of photography planned out and it is all down the drain now, really sucks.  Hang in there!

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