
Feeling so frustrated...

janice A.
on 5/22/09 11:02 pm - san angelo, TX
I am very frustrated today. Last week I was schedualed for a 3rd fill, but it had to be postponed due to a 3rd bout with an upper respritory infection.  The doc gave me steroids and it helped, but man the few lbs i gained from being so hungry with the steriods made me feel like a failure. On top of that my restriction suddenly seems to have disappeared. While i am still limited and cannot eat nearly as much as i could before the band , I am still able to eat much more than I should. My confusion comes in because I still have stuck episodes ( no specific time of day) but then the rest of the time i feel absolutely nothing.
I will go for a fill on Thusday, but honestly I am not certain how much I would need since i still have stuck problems at least once a day. Now that i think about it it usually occurs if i am eating and lots of talking is going on around me like at work in the break room or if someone calls. :( guess the added air going in wth the food is bad for me. Don't really knwo .. so confused..

Anyone else have similar problems if so how are you handleing it. Any advice is welcomed. 

Thanks in ADvance.  

  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

on 5/23/09 10:00 am
"it usually occurs if i am eating and lots of talking is going on around me like at work in the break room or if someone calls"

I'd bet almost anything you are accidentally swallowing bigger pieces than you should, I had to really focus to make sure I didn't do that for quite a while.  If I got distracted I would swallow without chewing.
on 5/23/09 12:41 pm - Okotoks, Canada
Can relate to the frustration thing.  I am 6 onths out and hove lost about 40 lbs since surgery but I got my second fill last Friday and now have 7cc ,I have a bit of restriction but I can still eat way too much , take big bites etc....is this damn band every going to work for me??
I am hungry a lot of the time and try to watch what I eat.  Compounding the problem is the fact that I have a broken foot ( 10 weeks in a cast so far) that is not healing so I can't walk , go to auacizes , drive. bike or anything...I am getting soooo bored!!

I am getting so discouraged but I have this band now and I really want to make it work for me.  I am going back to all the basics and hope that will help.  Good luck to you ...I know somehow we can do this.       Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
janice A.
on 5/23/09 7:51 pm - san angelo, TX
thanks you for ur support..  for today i will stay on a liquid diet and see if that helps jump start things again
. I am wanting this to work so badly. My family has a history of Diabetes, and high blood pressure, but so far i have been very lucky to be a healthy "fat" person. I didnt want to push my luck so I decided to have this surgury. 

I want to be a healthy person.

  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

on 5/25/09 3:46 am - Phoenix, AZ
I have had stuck problems from the beginning even before I got fills.  I got as far as 2 fills with 4 cc's and ended up having them take all the fluid out. I ended up vomiting almost every day and that was causing my band site to swell. This was becausing of mucus plugs, frothing and also stuck food. Sometimes the vomiting was so fast and projectile that I almost couldn't make it to the bathroom.  With no fill I am starting over again. 3PRO to 1VEG/FR.  No bread, corn, potatoes, pasta, rice, cereal, or crackers.No liquid 30min before or after and none while eating, chew, chew, chew. Still getting stuck sometimes, not as much, but I am seriously failing at the no carb thing. Cheated at least 5 times so far. I am considering taking the band out, maybe getting a vertical sleeve.  Advice, Support, questions welcome.
                  NEVER TOO LATE TO BEE HAPPY!!!!            
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