Ok convince me, realize band is better than RNY...
that's good to know! Does your doctor recommend a certain amount of time between? What I mean is, do you have to wait X number of days before he'll do a fill just to make sure you've tried a certain amount?
Sorry about all of the questions, but I really do want to be as informed as possible! Thanks for indulging me!
Sorry about all of the questions, but I really do want to be as informed as possible! Thanks for indulging me!
hi, my sister had bypass surgury 3 years ago and is now starting to put her weight on. in a bypass if you stretch yourself out you have to have another surgury to lose again. With the band you can continue to tighten it up for the rest of your life. honestly though if you dont learn to eat healthy and reduce the amount you eat you wont lose weight or gain the weight back.no matter what choice you make . you must get your head screwed on strait. You must also start an exercise plan,this is extremly important.I had banding surgury on 11/08 and in the past 6 months have lost 80 pounds so far. I eat between 1000and 1200 calories per day. I also exercise about 10 hrs a week. With the band you dont get your guts all cut up and it has less problems.
I also have a friend 5 years out *****gained everything, however she never seemed to be in compliance. I've only known her for 5 years, and NEVER knew she had the surgery in 2004 until about 18 months ago... we'd go out to dinner and she'd eat just as much as I did!
I think you have to be really committed to learn the correct habits and CHANGE your habits to be successful at either one of these procedures. Believe me, even though I don't have the confidence in myself to think I would be compliant with the slower loss of the band, I have already made some huge changes in my habits. I was NEVER without a pack of gum or a bottle of diet pepsi... drank pepsi from sun up to sun down.... when I learned I couldn't/shouldn't have either one, I stopped drinking soda cold turkey. I gave up gum a few weeks later. If you had told me I could/would do that 3 months ago, I would have said you were insane! I was supposed to stop the soda years ago due to kidney stones, but never did...
So I think I'm going to be A OK with making the lifestyle changes necessary for either one of the surgeries. Who knows, maybe once I start seeing the NUT and really getting into the relearning eating habits, I'll have more confidence in the band.... but right now I'm very unsure of myself and believe I will not succeed. That is a huge obstacle to overcome.
I think you have to be really committed to learn the correct habits and CHANGE your habits to be successful at either one of these procedures. Believe me, even though I don't have the confidence in myself to think I would be compliant with the slower loss of the band, I have already made some huge changes in my habits. I was NEVER without a pack of gum or a bottle of diet pepsi... drank pepsi from sun up to sun down.... when I learned I couldn't/shouldn't have either one, I stopped drinking soda cold turkey. I gave up gum a few weeks later. If you had told me I could/would do that 3 months ago, I would have said you were insane! I was supposed to stop the soda years ago due to kidney stones, but never did...
So I think I'm going to be A OK with making the lifestyle changes necessary for either one of the surgeries. Who knows, maybe once I start seeing the NUT and really getting into the relearning eating habits, I'll have more confidence in the band.... but right now I'm very unsure of myself and believe I will not succeed. That is a huge obstacle to overcome.
no problem. :)
I think they would be a little warry if I didn't wait at least a week. But I would have to be really feeling like something was wrong to go in earlier than two weeks. If you get the band you will understand what I mean, you kind of know when you need another fill once you undertand what good restriction feels like. It can be a little frustrating getting to that point, but once you are there you will always know when you need another fill.
I think they would be a little warry if I didn't wait at least a week. But I would have to be really feeling like something was wrong to go in earlier than two weeks. If you get the band you will understand what I mean, you kind of know when you need another fill once you undertand what good restriction feels like. It can be a little frustrating getting to that point, but once you are there you will always know when you need another fill.
I am expressing my views from family experiences with gastric bypass....have three family members who chose to do the bypass, and all of them have put most of thier weight back on with in 5yrs, and it is a known fact unless you are really motivated, and disciplined, most folks who have RNY put thier weight back on plus more. With the band, it is almost impossible to put all your weight back on...unless you really want to stretch your little stomach out of proportion a nd suffer a lot of pain. Also, a lot of RNY patients lose so fast, thier minds and body cannot catch up which leaves them with a lot of sagging skin.. and not learning to eat the right way or the right foods. It is not a quick fix which a lot of folks think it is. With the band, you lose slowly, so your mind and body can keep up with the loss and we are able to learn to eat smaller portions and make better food choices. My mom who had her RNY almost 10yrs ago, put 75 % of her weight back on, she still throws up at least twice a week, and eats all the wrong foods. My brother who had his done 5yrs ago, traded one addiction (food) for another (beer) and put all his weight back on. HIs wife had hers done 3 yrs ago, and is fighting to keep off hers, she has put on about 30 lbs. My brother's friend who weighed 550 lbs, had his done first, lost down to 178, but again, didn't have a support group, was addicted to alcohol and it did him in...he passed away a couple of years ago.
I believe with a good support system, self control, and determination, the band is a good choice. It is for me..had it done this Monday the 18th. Have no regrets, which my other family members do have regrets for having the RNY. Anyway, we all have to do what is right for us, along with what our doctors feel is right for us. Wish you best of luck and success in what ever procedure you have done. God BLess Farmgirl58
I believe with a good support system, self control, and determination, the band is a good choice. It is for me..had it done this Monday the 18th. Have no regrets, which my other family members do have regrets for having the RNY. Anyway, we all have to do what is right for us, along with what our doctors feel is right for us. Wish you best of luck and success in what ever procedure you have done. God BLess Farmgirl58
10 years ago the information and support wasn't like it is today. My surgeons group has 6 meetings a month, I can attend as many as I want, or have an option if one date doesn't work for me.
The sagging skin is a problem no matter how slow you lose if you've been obese for as long as I have. I am 41, have had 3 babies, had stretch marks BEFORE having my first son at 25. Even when I lost 80lbs on my own 5 years ago I still had saggy skin, and I did it relatively slowly back then...
Trading addictions happens with any kind of surgery. That is something the MSW talked to us about in our initial meeting. She is an addictions counselor. Even bandsters have to change their addiction to food, so it's not reserved just for RNY patients.
I agree with a good support system, self control and determination the RNY is also a good choice. It is all about what you DO to make it successful. I just don't see me being successful with the band based on past behaviors/failures.
Thank you for your post. I hope you have the success you're looking for!
The sagging skin is a problem no matter how slow you lose if you've been obese for as long as I have. I am 41, have had 3 babies, had stretch marks BEFORE having my first son at 25. Even when I lost 80lbs on my own 5 years ago I still had saggy skin, and I did it relatively slowly back then...
Trading addictions happens with any kind of surgery. That is something the MSW talked to us about in our initial meeting. She is an addictions counselor. Even bandsters have to change their addiction to food, so it's not reserved just for RNY patients.
I agree with a good support system, self control and determination the RNY is also a good choice. It is all about what you DO to make it successful. I just don't see me being successful with the band based on past behaviors/failures.
Thank you for your post. I hope you have the success you're looking for!
I think it's a personal choice and I don't think anyone should "convince" you which way to go because when it comes down to it, you're the one that's going to have to live with your choice. I had the RNY done 3.5 years ago at the age of 19 and lost 130 lbs. I have since maintained my weight as it's a life change--not a quick fix. Yes there is going to be extra skin but no matter the exercise, it will never get down to where one likes it. There's no elasticity left after being stretched out for so long. Just like people have complications with the RNY, the band can have some also. Slippage or reflux, vomiting also. They both have their pros, both have their cons. You are the only person who truly knows you, do what your heart tells you to..and good luck with your choice . You'll succeed if you put your mind to it