
four days postop,no lbs lost

on 5/19/09 7:00 am
Ok,,, what in the world is going on.  I am having trouble having an appetite and not able to eat hardly anything but I haven't lost not one pound.  I am frustrated,disappointed and feeling like I made a very expensive mistake.  My tummy is STILL full of gas, my port site is developing a large purple and red bruise under it, I am feeling more active and being more active but now come on, no wt loss? this can't be right!!! I haven't had any high calorie foods,juices or fluids because I can't seem to drink much at all, I finally had a bowel movement , thank god, but please  can someone talk to me? I'm feeling lost and defeated because I am not sure if I am "normal"or not and I don't have anyone to discuss this with.  HELP!!
on 5/19/09 9:28 am
your answer is in your post -- your tummy is still full of gas, your body is full of fluids, your body has been through some pretty major surgery and is healing.

the first few weeks are not about losing weight, they are about healing and following your doctor's recommendations

hang in there, take a walk, take a nap --- and let your body get strong.

on 5/20/09 8:20 am - Waterloo, IL
If I had a nickel for every time someone came on here and asked why they weren't losing I would be able to buy that house I want :) At first you lose a lot, you're not eating and you don't care. I lost 25 pounds the first 2 weeks... and then for the next 5 months.......... nothing. I was devastated. I was doing everything I was supposed to do and not eating anything bad, and I lost NOTHING... and you know, that seems normal too. You may not understand why your body does what it does, but once it heals, your weight loss will take off and it won't be ridiculously fast, because we do have the realize band, which is known for taking its sweet time, but it will be steady. I lose between 6 and 8 pounds a month, and I'm okay w/ that :)
on 5/20/09 9:41 pm
today is my seventh day,still, not even a loss of 6oz.  the soreness is doing better,swelling is improving but I'm waiting on that little sign that let's me know, I made the right decision instead of jumping on some sort of Fad and it fails.  So far the only thing I've lost is 4,700.00 co pay,my dignity,comfort, pain free state, I'm just plain lost.  I just can't comprehend how there is not a loss at all on the scale when I have eaten less than 1,110 calories in  a week.  Maybe I'm just scared.
on 5/22/09 12:18 am
give it time you will start losing.remember to exercise it adds so much more weight loss.
on 5/22/09 1:25 am
  I am happy to report that as of this morning I am down 2.4 lbs, I am feeling even better and energy is still good.  gas is subsiding .  Oh thank God that hopefully I'm beginning a losing streak!!
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