
Realize Band Yes or No?

Nicole C.
on 5/14/09 6:31 am - Aloha, OR
Hi everyone, 
I am still in the process of deciding which procedure to have(if my insurance does authorize,I am still waiting).  I had  threw out the possiblity of banding because I heard that the hunger feeling does not go away and felt I needed to be drastic to lose weight since you can tolerate sugary/fatty foods still.  I have since been reconsidering. I saw a show about a guy that had banding and he lost almost 200 lbs.  When he went in and had an unfill he then started to have hunger again and then went in for a refill to help control his eating.
I need to know what is the postives and negatives of the banding.  Can you eat just about anything or is it really limited to broth?  I know weight loss is slower but do you think that this is better in the long run?  Why did you choose the Realize Band over Lap-Band
If anyone can help me understand banding better, let me know what your experince. I have a goal of at least 125lbs to lose.

Thanks for your help.
on 5/14/09 1:47 pm
With the band you are going to have hunger.  That is true with gastric bypass as well.  You have to be willing to keep yourself under control, eat a healthy diet and excercise.  The band is a tool, it will not help you loose weight if you don't help it work.

My sister had gastric bypass many many years ago, before the band was available.  She had massive weight loss and some problems that are common to that surgery.  I've had the banding surgery and am very happy with it.  I chose banding for two reasons: First, bypass can't be undone and there are a lot of possible bad things that can happen to you with it.  Second, I had to pay for the surgery myself and banding was cheaper by far.

I won't kid you, it has been difficult.  My life has changed a lot.  But I made the commitment to myself, I simply couldn't go on living the way I was.  I've lost 60 pounds and I'm looking forward to the next 60.  You are not limited to broth.  There is a period of time the is liquids only after the surgery, and then soft foods and then finally normal foods.

You probably won't be able to eat everything you eat now.  For instance, I find it difficult to eat bread now.  I also can't tolerate oranges and hard boiled eggs.

on 5/14/09 2:23 pm - AL
Hi, I am going to have the Realize band surgery this coming monday, chose the band as I did not want to have any parts re=routed, also because of my mom's experiences with having gastric bypass about 10yrs ago, she has put almost all her weight back on, eats all the wrong foods, still throws up at least once a week.  My brother also had gastric done about 5yrs ago, put all his weight back on, and his wife who had bypass three yrs ago is fighting to keep it off. 
With the band, you just can't eat all you want, or what you want, have to eat very small portions, eat slowly, and excercise.  It is a tool that will not allow you to over eat unless you want to be sick, or hurt all the time, risk band slippage, etc.
Anyway, that is my reason for getting the band.  Farmgirl58
on 5/14/09 8:31 pm - PA
I choose the realize band because as you said i didn't want anything re-routed in my body. and i felt like the band would be the best tool for me. i had my surgery 4/28/09 and i'm on pureed foods right now and to be honest i haven't had an appetite since the surgery. i don't know when thats going to change. so good luck
Mary B.
on 5/14/09 11:29 pm - Southern, MD
I posted a reply to a similar question recently. I was going to re-post that but I couldnt find it....but my thoughts havent changed.

Why I chose to be banded:

1. I didnt want anything in my body to be cut off or re-routed. Im happy with where everything is...just dont want it drowned in fat. Honestly, I was scared of it.
2. I dont want to have any mal-absorption issues. Yes, I have seen many RNY people come thru fine with no issues at all, but I have seen the opposite too and didnt want to take that chance.
3. I have lost hundreds of pounds in the past...and gained them all back. I was afraid that if I had another type of surgery, I would have gotten comfortable, began eating again and regain my weight. This tool is ADJUSTABLE for LIFE. My band cant fail me, only I can fail my band if I choose to do so. I think this is my most important reason.

There are many more reasons, just cant think of them right at this moment. This is not EASY. It does not just melt the fat off. The pounds will not just come off right after surgery like other wls. There is a bandster hell, and I have survived it. It was hard. I was lucky I got restriction after my second fill (3 days ago). I was REALLY struggling and now Im unstoppable!

This is a very personal decision. Take your time and make the right decision for you. Yes, I can honestly say that for a couple recent weeks, I had wished I had something different because the scale wasnt moving...then I remembered I wanted to be adjustable for life...and I know I made the right decision.

Good luck to you!
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
Mary B.
on 5/14/09 11:33 pm - Southern, MD
Sorry, I got off track there a little. As far as food goes I havent really found any food I cant eat yet with the exception of applesauce...dont understand that one.

I read that alot of bandsters have a hard time with  steak, stringy foods like celery and asparagus. You have to chew everything well and take small bites.

You will be restricted for a week or two after surgery (depending on your doctor recommendations) but..oh...the only thing I dont have are carbinated drinks...Im weary of trying those. Other than that...its trial and error.
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
Nicole C.
on 5/15/09 1:08 am - Aloha, OR
Thank you everyone for your comments, I really appreciate it.  This does really help me. \
Good Luck to everyone of you!!
on 5/17/09 3:23 am, edited 5/17/09 3:23 am - Denver, CO
Hello All;

I have started the process to have the Realize Band put in place.  I am just at the beginning stages; I have a seminar on Thursday evening I am attending and I have already completed all my paperwork for the surgeon.  NOW I need to get my consult appts and THEN schedule the consult with the surgeon.

I already called my insurance company and there are NO exclusions, and with my very high BMI, I doubt I will have an issue getting approved.  It is going to happen!  In fact, the process of approval is my case file the surgeon or any of my docs needs to send.

I feel really good about this decision and I felt, too, that the Realize Band was the choice for me. 

I have researched this (WLS) for so long, I feel  like I am making a step in the right direction!

Nicole, have you gone to a seminar in your city?  That is what I am doing Thursday 21 May!  
on 5/17/09 7:49 am
Megawatt823 the seminar you are going to is probably with Dr. Snyder from Rose Medical Center.  It's a good start I went to two of them, he is very entertaining and it was neat to hear from his patients about their experiences. 

I finally ended up having my surgery with Dr. Michael Johnell at the Northern Colorado Medical Center in Greeley.  Both programs are bartiatric surgical centers of excellence.  Dr. Johnell has an office in Lafayette, which is nice, no need to drive to Greeley for every fill.

In my case I couldn't even get in to see Dr. Snyder for 3 months but was able to see Dr. Johnell in short order.  I ended up having my surgery done before I would have been able to even see Dr. Snyder.  Where ever you end up going I wish you success.

on 5/20/09 2:24 pm - Denver, CO
Hi Scott! 

Yes, it is through Dr. Snyder at Rose! :) 

WOW 3 months out, huh!  Tomorrow night is the seminar.  THEN I will make an appt. Friday.  Yes, I already called! 

Thanks for the information; if it 3 months out, I may have to go with your guy! As long as my insurance has him IN NETWORK!  I have a PPO.

Thanks for the info! 


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