
Confused with restriction...

Ashley A.
on 5/12/09 1:22 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
I have had 3 fills leaving my band with about 7-7.5 cc's. I am scheduled for another fill on the 19th. I find myself getting stuck every now and then but then when I eat without getting stuck I still don't seem to get full quickly and I can still probably eat about 1-1 1/2 cups of food at time and will be satisfied for 3-4 hrs. I'm just confused wether or not I should get a fill or wait? I have only lost about 6 lbs since my last fill which was on March 17th. Any advice would be great! Thanks.

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 5/13/09 4:06 am - IL
sounds like great restriction to me ,maybe a tweek but you don;t want to go too far and be too tight.
i have 7.72cc in my band an i have restriction....
good luck
on 5/14/09 11:53 pm
I have 7.5 in the 10.5 realize band.  Restriction is good BUT you still have to watch not drinking while eating and 45 min. at least after a meal.  Its unnatural because we tended to flush large quantities of food easier in the past  before the band to be really full.  3 to 4 hrs is OK before being hungry BUT you may need to put off eating for an hour it may be head hunger.  I do not crave like I used to and after taking all the pills/vitamins I find I am no longer hungrey for awhile.  So do the pills after 3 to 4 hrs to put off eating.  You may need an ajustment  .5 cc .  I gave up before hitting my sweet spot.  Went back and I'm there.  In 3 weeks I lost 20 of the lbs I had gained back (eating crap and no workouts) and finally have dropped below 270 to 268.  The arobic workout will help.  Don't give up and adjust if you are really able to eat too much and are hungry earlier than you should be.  Good Luck ,hope this helps.
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