
Concerned - I am 7 months post-op......

on 5/10/09 7:49 am - CT
.... and for the very first time yesterday I had an "episode".  About an hour and a half after dinner (chicken & squash & a couple of bites of rice), I had another bite of chicken & a spoonful of apple sauce.  Suddenly I had the feeling that my entire esophagus was full and I had a lot of discomfort right around the bra band and my upper back.  After spitting up just foam for a few minutes hovered over the toilet, it passed - but I still feel afraid to eat and even after a few sips of liquid I feel like I want to burp, etc.  My last fill was over 2 months ago - I am at 6 ccs.  Why is this happening NOW???  Is it a simple case of overeating, or (my fear) has my band slipped?  Oh, please I hope not.  I am SCARED, will call my Doctor tomorrow a.m.  Please tell me if this has ever happened to you - I appreciate your support.  Thanks!  Jen
on 5/10/09 11:28 am
Yup that's normal, Don't eat to fast or  too much. Your band has not slipped and you are fine !!!!!! Usually I have a bad case of the hiccups to go along all the other nonsense.

Your fine

Michael Eak
on 5/11/09 1:49 am - Largo, FL
The other point is Rice. Even though cooked, once consumed it expands further in us. And will block the passage way causing backups of anything eaten after it.
What your experiencing is called "The Foamies" your lucky if it only lasted a few minutes as for most like myself it has lasted three to four hours. And the only thing to do is be a still as possible and keep spitting till it passes.

Open RNY 5/10/06 and now
Laparoscopic Realize Banding. 4/21/09
9/1/09 I've rec'd 4 fills and lost 86 lbs. so far.
Check the www.obesitynomorefl.com Website Calender.
on 5/11/09 4:26 am - IL
sliming is no fun.....and yes it could have been the rice, i can not eat rice,bread,pasta anything like that. even red meat gives me trouble.it can happen anytime .just be carefull and dring some hot tea before you eat , it ususally loosens up the band a little.
good luck
on 5/21/09 4:02 am
hi, yes ive had that problem several times. i have problems with steak and dry chicken.ive never had it not pass for more than half hour. it is definatly a bad feeling. you must take small bites and chew it alot. drinking a hot liquid seems to help it pass through.
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