
Feeling a little frustrated.

on 5/8/09 1:50 am

I've been struggling to get below 320.  I keep loosing and regaining the same 2 pounds.  I really want to hit this goal because it would put me at 60 dropped pounds, and it would make me feel good. 

I just want to scream and hit my head on the wall. Welll, I just needed to get that out in the open.

on 5/8/09 3:26 am
I know the feeling.  I was 270 last may and now I am back to 270 with a fill.  I had stopped, gave up and never reached the sweet spot.  I am there now and have reached that spot.  I hope to get under 270 soon and will get a new fill if needed.  I had gained 18 lbs. and am now back to 270. You could try to vary your workout program adding strength training or arobic.  Change the arobic program to challenge your body.  Eat differant proteins and make sure you are eating enough protein.  Watch the processed foods they can sneak up on you adding calories.  Cut out the salt totally there is enough in normal foods for health.  Drink, drink, drink enough liquid without adding calories. Crystal Light is good.  Try green tea to flush the body.  Grapefruit is good in the morning.  Fish is the best form of protein meat that seems to help me loose compared with chicken.  Alcohol also slows my weight loss.  You probably know all this if you have dieted all your life like me.  These are just reminders.  Best of luck, it sounds like you need a fill. 
on 5/8/09 11:38 am - Borden, IN
I am feeling the same way you are, I am stuggling with the same 3 to 5 pounds once again.  I go get a fill (I hope) next week, not sure if they will fill it are not because I am at 7.3/4 cc now in 9 cc band.  I sure hope they do.  I have heard that once you hit 8 cc you will start losing more, so we will see.

I know it will get better sooner or later, I have been eating and DRINKING what I should be, evey now and than I need something saltly but not all the time.

Things will get better before you know it.
Realize Band ,1st fill 3cc - Aug 14, 08,2nd fill 1cc  - Oct 2, 08
3rd fill  2cc - Nov 13, 08,4th fill1cc - Jan 8, 09,5th fill 3/4 cc - March 26, 09

on 5/8/09 2:05 pm - Jackson, AL
I know exactly what you mean. It is so completely frustrating to yo yo on the scale that way. I did it for about 3 months, myself. I finally got moving again, though. I had a fill and am probably a bit too tight but lord I don't want them to take any juice out of my band. I'm just trying to be really, really careful. I hate being stuck at a plateau! 

Good luck. I hope you get moving again soon! 
janice A.
on 5/8/09 9:41 pm - san angelo, TX

You are not alone. I go through the same thing. After my surgery i lost x amount of weight then i started gaining, then i had  a fill lost more then gained a few and lost a few back and forth. Then the 2nd fill and the same thing.  I know i shouldn't go based on scale only, but it is very frustrating to not loose the lbs we so desire to loose.

I am loosing inches slowly, I can see it in my once tight shirts which now are baggy, and my pants which are also fitting very loosely.

Are your clothing fitting baggy ? If so you are still making progress.

Our band-wagon may have a bumpy trail, but it will get us to the thinner side


  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

on 5/9/09 2:14 am
Thanks for the encouragement everyone.  I think I've simply been eating too much high colorie food lately.  Have to get back to a more strict diet.
on 5/10/09 2:52 am, edited 5/10/09 2:52 am - Climax, MI
I discovered freeze-dried vegetables.  They're crunchy, healthy and give my bored mouth something to do.  Also freeze-dried kiwi slices.  I take tiny tiny nibbles and chew thoroughly.  They're at my local produce market for $4.99 a pound.  I see them online too, but they're way more expensive.  Also, they travel well. 

I know you're a guy and might be sensitive about the issue (at least my diabetic husband is...), but you might want to get a manly-man backpack or leather bag (not purse... it's not a purse, never a purse) to always have a healthy snack and sf beverage with you. 

I know for me, when that little pouch gets hungry it's HUNGRY.  And that gives me an excuse to eat whatever is at hand.  I'm starting to be prepared for that hunger and it helps.  I was on jury duty earlier this week and put a string cheese stick and some 100% whole grain crackers in my purse and when I got hungry, I could snack guilt-free.

I haven't gained (yet), but last appointment on Tuesday, I'd only lost 1/2 pound.  So with a 3rd fill and some honest restriction, I'm feeling much better.  I just wish I weren't so unmotivated when it comes to exercise.  I can handle taking the dog to the end of the dead end road we live on and back.  Now I just need to do that several times a day!

Good luck.  And remember, all you ever really need is GOD:  Good Orderly Direction!

EDIT:  typo

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

on 5/10/09 9:48 am
freeze-dried vegetables, hmm, I'll have to give that a shot. Thanks.
Mary B.
on 5/11/09 12:00 am - Southern, MD
Im right there with you. I'll lose 4lbs then gain 3 back! I finally said forget the friggin scale and put it away. Im driving myself batty! LOL

I wish I had the great words of wisdom to share with you...but Im having trouble myself. If you find them...let me know will ya?

Just want to let you know you are not alone here!
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
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